فرصت مطالعاتی ویژه فارغ التحصیلان علوم انسانی

مکان: برلین
مهلت ارسال مدارک: 5 فروردین 1404

(Location: Berlin / Closing Date: 26 March, 2025)

The Berlin-based Forum Transregionale Studien invites scholars to apply for up to three postdoctoral fellowships for the academic year 2025/2026 for the research program


EUME seeks to rethink key concepts and premises that link and divide Europe and the Middle East. The program draws on the international expertise of a growing network of scholars in and outside of Germany and is embedded in university and extra-university research institutions in and outside of Berlin. EUME supports historical-critical philology, rigorous engagement with the literatures of the Middle East and their histories, the social history and life of cities and the study of Middle Eastern political and philosophical thought as central fields of research not only for area or cultural studies, but also for European intellectual history and other academic disciplines. The program explores modernity as a historical space and conceptual frame. EUME is interested in questions relating to ongoing transformation processes in and between Europe and the Middle East, in re-imaginations of the past and present that contribute to free, pluralistic and just societies.

The program puts forward three programmatic ideas:

1) supporting research that demonstrates the rich and complex historical legacies and entanglements between Europe and the Middle East; 2) re-examining genealogical notions of mythical ‘origins’, and ‘purity’ in relation to culture and society; and 3) rethinking key concepts of a shared modernity and future in light of contemporary cultural, social, and political divisions and entanglements that supersede identity discourses as well as national, cultural or regional canons and epistemologies that were established in the nineteenth century.

EUME supports and rests upon interconnected research fields and themes that mark the open framework for the fellowship program that constitutes EUME:

Travelling Traditions: Comparative Perspectives on Near Eastern Literatures
represented by Friederike Pannewick (Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies/Department for Arabic Studies, Philipps-Universität Marburg) and Samah Selim (Rutgers University — New Brunswick) reassesses literary entanglements and processes of translation and canonization between Europe and the Middle East.

Cities Compared: Governance, Participatory Mechanisms and Plurality
represented by Ulrike Freitag and Nora Lafi (both Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin) contributes to the debates on civil society, participation, deliberation, opinion formation, citizenship, migration and mobilization from the experience of cultural and religious differences in cities around the Mediterranean and beyond.

Tradition and the Critique of Modernity: Secularism, Fundamentalism and Religion from Middle Eastern Perspectives
represented by Amnon Raz-Krakotzkin (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva) tries to rethink key concepts of like secularity, tradition, and religion in the context of experiences, interpretations, and critiques from the Middle East in order to contribute to a more inclusive language of culture, politics and community.

Politics and Processes of Change, Archaeologies of the Present, and Imaginations of the Future are research themes that emerged during the last years and are represented by the work of several EUME Fellows and members of the Collegium (e.g. Cilja Harders, Friederike Pannewick, Rachid Ouaissa, Amnon Raz-Krakotzkin).

The Prison Narratives of Assad’s Syria: Voices, Texts, Publics (SYRASP), directed by Anne-Marie McManus, and Beyond Restitution: Heritage, (Dis)Possession and the Politics of Knowledge (BEYONDREST), directed by Banu Karaca, are two ERC funded projects related to EUME, hosted at the Forum.

Since 1997, more than 400 scholars from and of the Middle East have been EUME Fellows, who, by their scholarly projects, engagement, and their inquiries into the order of knowledge, society and politics, shape the academic program of EUME that is coordinated by Georges Khalil, Jessica Metz, Claudia Pfitzner and Rashof Salih at the Forum Transregionale Studien.


We invite scholars in the humanities and social sciences who want to carry out their research projects in connection with the Berlin-based program. The up to three fellowships announced here are intended to contribute to the mobility of researchers, and are primarily addressed to scholars from outside Germany. This year we especially encourage scholars from Palestine and its diaspora to apply.

As the number of fellowships we are able to offer is limited, we invite interested scholars also to apply with their own funding or contact us with the inquiry for support in finding third party funding. If this may be an option, please contact us via eume@trafo-berlin.de anytime.

Applicants should be at the postdoctoral level and have obtained their doctorate within the last seven years. Fellows gain the opportunity to pursue research projects of their own choice within the framework of EUROPE IN THE MIDDLE EAST—THE MIDDLE EAST IN EUROPE. Successful applicants will be fellows of EUME at the Forum Transregionale Studien, and associate members of one of the university or non-university research institutes listed below or connected to the Forum Transregionale Studien.

The fellowships start on 1 October 2025 and will end on 31 July 2026. Postdoctoral fellows will receive a monthly stipend of 2,500€ plus supplements depending on their personal situation. Organisational support regarding visa, insurance, housing, etc. will be provided. Fellows are obliged to work in Berlin and to help shape the seminars and working discussions related to their research field. The working language of EUME is English.


We kindly ask you to submit your application via the secure online application platform of the Forum Transregionale Studien by 26 March 2025, 12.00h (noon) CET:


Please note that applications by email will not be considered.

As part of your application, you will be asked to prepare and upload the following:

— a curriculum vitae (including a list of publications);
— a project description (no longer than 5 pages), stating what the scholar will work on in Berlin if granted a fellowship, and
— the names of two university faculty members who can serve as referees (no letters of recommendation required).

In case of questions, please consult the FAQ or send an email to eume@trafo-berlin.de.


EUROPE IN THE MIDDLE EAST—THE MIDDLE EAST IN EUROPE (EUME) has been initiated in 2006 as a joint research program of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, the Fritz Thyssen Foundation and the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin. It builds upon the previous work of the Working Group Modernity and Islam (1996-2006). Since 2011, EUME is continued at the Forum Transregionale Studien.

In scholarly terms EUME is steered by a Collegium that currently consists of Ulrike Freitag (Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin), Cilja Harders (Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science, Freie Universität Berlin), Nora Lafi (Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin), Rachid Ouaissa (Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies, Philipps-Universität Marburg / MECAM – Merian Centre for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb), Friederike Pannewick (Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies, Philipps-Universität Marburg), Amnon Raz-Krakotzkin (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva), Samah Selim (Rutgers University), and Stefan Weber (Museum for Islamic Art, Berlin).

The Forum Transregionale Studien (Forum) is a research organization for the promotion of cross-border cooperation between scholars of different expertise and perspectives on global issues. Transregional approaches connect and confront diverse disciplines, regional, national and local positions and insights on global issues. The Forum provides scope for exchange on questions of science policy, epistemology and ethics, and develops infrastructures and formats that allow transregional research ideas and projects to be tested, implemented and communicated. The Forum is constituted by its members and the diversity of their research expertise and networks. It is committed to strengthening regional studies and to the principle of non-hierarchical research. It appoints scholars from around the world as fellows and engages in joint research programs and initiatives with partners from universities and research institutions in and outside Berlin. The Forum is funded by the Berlin Senate Department for Higher Education and Research, Health and Long-Term Care.

The Forum currently supports the following research programs and initiatives: EUROPE IN THE MIDDLE EAST—THE MIDDLE EAST IN EUROPE (EUME), PRISMA UKRAÏNA: Research Network Eastern Europe, and re:constitution: Exchange and Analysis on Democracy and the Rule of Law in Europe. The Forum is a member of the consortium of MECAM: Merian Centre for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb, and of the research college EUTIM: European Times – A Transregional Approach to the Societies of Central and Eastern Europe. ZUKUNFTSPHILOLOGIE: Revisiting the Canons of Textual Scholarship and 4A LAB: Art Histories, Archaeologies, Anthropologies, Aesthetics are connected programs developed at the Forum that are continued at other institutions.

For more information on the Forum Transregionale Studien, its programs, initiatives and communication, please visit

TRAFO – Blog for Transregional Research

For further information on EUME and for detailed information on the research fields and themes, please visit

برای اطلاعات بیشتر اینجا رافرصت مطالعاتی کلیک کنید.

پذیرش مقاله در زمینۀ مجازات در فقه (هاروارد)

محل انتشار: دانشکده حقوق هاروارد، گروه فقه اسلامی

تاریخ اعتبار: 1403/10/23

The Journal of Islamic Law invites papers that explore both theoretical discussions and practical applications concerning the ḥudūd, penalties that Muslim jurists consider to be divinely ordained punishments for a Special Issue on “Moratoriums on Islamic Criminal Punishments: Legal Debates and Current Practices.” With the establishment of modern Islamic states and the incorporation of ḥudūd into their legal systems, these punishments have become a cause célèbre, contributing to heightened anti-Muslim sentiment, Islamophobia, and criticism from international human rights organizations. In response, some contemporary Muslim scholars have called for the suspension of ḥudūd, presenting a range of theological, jurisprudential, and political arguments. These calls, however, face substantial resistance from traditionalists who view ḥudūd as an essential component of sharīʿa. This has resulted in a polarized debate between proponents and opponents of ḥudūd, with each side presenting consequentialist and deontological arguments. The ongoing debate between pro-and anti-ḥudūd jurists not only underscores the conflict between progressive and conservative viewpoints but also challenges the foundational socio-legal and ethical norms within diverse societies. This debate invites further arguments and reflections to uncover subtler dimensions, challenge prevailing assumptions, and contribute to a deeper understanding of the intersection between Islamic law, human rights, international relations, and the global reputation of Muslims.

This special issue calls for work that will delve into both theoretical and practical dimensions of ḥudūd suspension, offering a comprehensive examination of this complex issue. Thematically, we invite papers that explore juristic and theological arguments related to the suspension of ḥudūd punishments, including interpretations of the Qur’ān and ḥadīth, as well as the theoretical and practical challenges that impede the suspension of ḥudūd across various jurisdictions. Papers offering real-world examples of the implementation or suspension of ḥudūd laws in countries such as Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and Malaysia, and other relevant states are particularly welcome. Submissions are also encouraged to address the broader implications of these legal practices, including their impact on social and political dynamics, and their influence on international perceptions of Islamic law. We encourage discussions that incorporate a diverse array of perspectives—legal, political, and sociological—to elucidate the complexities and challenges of navigating ḥudūd laws in today’s global context. By integrating these varied viewpoints, we aim to foster a nuanced understanding of the ongoing debates and practical realities surrounding ḥudūd suspension.

We seek articles of up to 15,000 words. Submissions for this year’s special issue are due by January 13, 2025, and must be submitted through either Scholastica or our online submissions portal. Once accepted, the paper goes through a process of peer review, a final decision on acceptance, editing, and publication. This special issue of the Journal of Islamic Law is edited by Bahman Khodadadi (skhodadadi@law.harvard.edu), research fellow at Harvard Law School’s Program in Islamic Law, and will be published in April 2025. For detailed submission guidelines, please visit our submissions webpage. For further questions, please contact us at pil@law.harvard.edu.

مؤسسه تاریخ اروپا لایپ نیتس-ماینز

مهلت درخواست: 1403/07/24

محل برگزاری: آلمان

کمک هزینه تحصیلی برای فرصت مطالعاتی پسادکتری

IEG Fellowships for Postdocs

Application deadline: October 15, 2024
For IEG Fellowships beginning in April 2025 or later

The Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG) awards fellowships to international postdocs conducting research in European history, the history of religion, and other historical disciplines (including Digital Humanities).

The IEG funds research projects on European history from the early modern period to contemporary history. The fellowship is intended to help you develop your own research project in close collaboration with scholars working at the IEG and to contribute to its ongoing research activities.

We are particularly interested in projects

  • with a comparative or cross-border approach
  • on European history, including its relation to the wider world, or
  • on topics of intellectual and religious history

What we offer

The IEG Fellowship provides a unique opportunity to pursue your individual research project while living and working for 6–12 months at the Institute in Mainz.
The monthly stipend is € 1,800. Additionally, you can apply for family or child allowance.


During the fellowship you are required to reside at the Institute in Mainz. You actively participate in the IEG’s research community and the weekly colloquia. We expect you to present your work at least once during your fellowship. Applicants must have completed their doctorate no more than three years prior to taking up the fellowship. We expect proficiency in English.

Please send your application to: application@ieg-mainz.de

We accept applications in either English or German; we recommend that you use the language in which you are most proficient. The IEG encourages applications from women.

Please download the application form here: https://buff.ly/3SRT1ud 

Please direct your questions concerning the IEG Fellowship Programme to Ms. Joke Kabbert: fellowship@ieg-mainz.de

For further information, please also visit our website:

ترجمه و چند زبانه بودن در جهان‌(های) اسلام پیش از دوره مدرن

25-26 آبان 1403

In the premodern Islamic world(s), translation was instrumental in fostering intellectual, scientific, and cultural advancements. The process of translation contributed to the development of Islamic sciences and intellectual traditions, such as astronomy, medicine, philosophy, and mathematics. Many classical works of philosophy, science, medicine, mathematics, and literature from ancient civilizations were translated into Arabic and subsequently preserved, influencing Islamic scholarship and contributing to the advancement of knowledge production in the region, especially during the Abbasid era (8 to the 10 centuries). It is well known that translation in the premodern Islamic world has facilitated the transfer of knowledge from diverse sources such as Greek, Persian, Indian, and Chinese texts into Arabic, which became a lingua franca of the Islamic scholarly community.

Unlike modern nation-states that exert control over specific territories and languages, the premodern Islamic world(s) featured several cosmopolitan languages in practice. These languages facilitated interactions and the exchange of knowledge within local societies. For example, the translation of Arabic sacred texts played a crucial role, serving as a vital link for effective communication among speakers of different languages and facilitating the exchange of ideas, knowledge, and cultural values across diverse Islamic nations throughout various historical periods. These writers either sought to emulate or drew upon the shared meanings embedded in the collective memory of their respective communities. By revisiting the multilingual texts produced on Qurʾan and Hadith, we can gain insight into how these texts served as a wellspring of inspiration for generations of writers spanning more than twelve hundred years.

The conference explores the role of translation and multilingualism in disseminating scholarly works and educational materials across linguistic boundaries, enriching the intellectual vitality of premodern Islamic societies. The conference invites contributions from the social sciences and the humanities on the process of translation and the nature of multilingualism throughout the premodern Islamic history. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

– Studying the translation of sacred texts such as the Quran, Hadith, and theological works into various languages and its impact on religious discourse and interpretation.

– Examining the translation of literary works, poetry, and prose from different languages into Arabic and other languages within the Islamic world, and its influence on literary traditions.

– Examining the role of multilingual manuscripts in preserving and transmitting knowledge across linguistic boundaries in the premodern Islamic world.

– Analyzing the techniques and strategies used by translators in the premodern Islamic world to convey complex ideas and concepts from one language to another.

– Exploring the impact of non-Arabic languages such as Persian, Greek, Sanskrit, and Syriac on the development of Islamic intellectual and cultural traditions through translation.

– Investigating historical approaches to multilingual education and language learning in the premodern Islamic world, including the development of language curricula and pedagogical methods.

Each paper should present a clear case study that effectively highlights its historical and cultural contexts. The conference proceedings, to be published in 2025, will undergo a peer-review process and will be edited by the co-organizers before being published by a prestigious university press.

Those interested in presenting papers are invited to submit an abstract in a Word file (500 words, including references) and a short biography that includes affiliations and publications (150 words) to Hany Rashwan (hrashwan@uaeu.ac.ae) by 15 July 2024 at the latest.

The conference is organized by AGYA members Hany Rashwan (United Arab Emirates University, UAE) and Florian Zemmin (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany). It is planned to take place in person from 15 − 16 November 2024 at the Institute of Islamic Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. The conference is part of a tandem project within the Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA). The accommodation and travel costs for invited speakers will be covered by AGYA. Funding is still subject to approval.

Selected References

Gutas, Dimitri. Greek Thought, Arabic Culture: The Graeco-Arabic Translation Movement in Baghdad and Early ʿAbbasaid Society (Second to Fourth / Fifth to Tenth Centuries.). Routledge, 1998.

Marlow, Louise. “Translation of the Words of ʿAli b. Abi Tālib in Early Fourteenth-Century Iran: A Local Bilingual Network.” Iranian Studies, vol. 53, nos. 5–6, 2020, pp. 741–87.

Zadeh, Travis. Mapping Frontiers across Medieval Islam: Geography, Translation, and the ʿAbbāsid Empire. I. B. Tauris, 2011.

Hamilton, Michelle M., and Nuria Silleras-Fernandez, eds. Iberian Babel: Translation and Multilingualism in the Medieval and the Early Modern Mediterranean, (Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill, 11 Jul. 2022) doi: https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004513563

About AGYA

The Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA) is based at the Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW) in Germany and at the Academy of Scientific Research & Technology (ASRT) in Egypt. It was established in 2013 as the first bilateral Young Academy worldwide. AGYA promotes research cooperation among outstanding early-career researchers from all disciplines who are affiliated with a research institution in Germany or in any Arab country. The academy supports the innovative projects of its members in various fields of research as well as in science policy and education. With members and alumni in currently 18 Arab countries and Germany, AGYA enjoys strong relations in various research ecosystems, promoting and supporting Arab-German research exchange and North-South-South cooperation. AGYA is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and various Arab and German cooperation partners

همایش بین المللی ِ خاورمیانه پس از انحلال خلافت

پژوهشکده مطالعات استراتژیک خاورمیانه، با همکاری دانشگاهها و انجمن های معتبر علمی و به مناسبت “یکصدمین سالگشت انحلال نهاد خلافت”، برگزار می کند؛

محورهای عمده ؛
– انحلال خلافت و جنبش های فکری در خاورمیانه
– میراث انحلال خلافت برای خاورمیانه امروز
– زمینه های تجدید حیات خلافت
– خلافت خواهی و جمهوری خواهی  در دوران پساخلافت
– تأثیرات انحلال خلافت بر ترکیه ، ایران و جهان عرب
تاریخ های مهم ؛
-آخرین مهلت ارسال چکیده ؛ ۳۱ اردیبهشت ۱۴۰۳
-اعلام نتایج بررسی چکیده ها ؛ هفتم خرداد ۱۴۰۳
-مهلت ارسال اصل مقالاتِ چکیده های پذیرفته شده ؛ اول مهرماه ۱۴۰۳
⏰ زمان  و مکان برگزاری همایش بین المللی؛ پنج شنبه ۲۴ آبان
۱۴۰۳، تهران، مرکز پژوهشهای علمی و مطالعات استراتژیک خاورمیانه
-علاقمندان دانشور، چکیده مقاله را در ۳۰۰ کلمه به نشانی research.imess@gmail.com
ارسال نمایند.
-گفتنی است مقالات همایش ضمن نمایه در پایگاه ISC در قالب کتابی مستقل منتشر می گردد.

چهار فرصت مطالعاتی در برلین

محل برگزاری: آلمان/برلین
مهلت درخواست: 1403/01/20

(Location: Berlin / Closing Date: 8 April, 2024)

The Berlin-based Forum Transregionale Studien invites scholars to apply for up to four postdoctoral fellowships for the academic year 2024/25 for the research program


EUME seeks to rethink key concepts and premises that link and divide Europe and the Middle East. The program draws on the international expertise of a growing network of scholars in and outside of Germany and is embedded in university and extra-university research institutions in and outside of Berlin. EUME supports historical-critical philology, rigorous engagement with the literatures of the Middle East and their histories, the social history and life of cities and the study of Middle Eastern political and philosophical thought as central fields of research not only for area or cultural studies, but also for European intellectual history and other academic disciplines. The program explores modernity as a historical space and conceptual frame. EUME is interested in questions relating to ongoing transformation processes in and between Europe and the Middle East, in re-imaginations of the past and present that contribute to free, pluralistic and just societies.

The program puts forward three programmatic ideas:

1) supporting research that demonstrates the rich and complex historical legacies and entanglements between Europe and the Middle East; 2) re-examining genealogical notions of mythical ‘origins’, and ‘purity’ in relation to culture and society; and 3) rethinking key concepts of a shared modernity and future in light of contemporary cultural, social, and political divisions and entanglements that supersede identity discourses as well as national, cultural or regional canons and epistemologies that were established in the nineteenth century.

EUROPE IN THE MIDDLE EAST—THE MIDDLE EAST IN EUROPE supports and rests upon interconnected research fields and themes that mark the open framework for the fellowship program that constitutes EUME:

Travelling Traditions: Comparative Perspectives on Near Eastern Literatures
represented by Friederike Pannewick (Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies/Department for Arabic Studies, Philipps-Universität Marburg) and Samah Selim (Rutgers University) reassesses literary entanglements and processes of translation and canonization between Europe and the Middle East.

Cities Compared: Governance, Consultative Mechanisms and Plurality
represented by Ulrike Freitag and Nora Lafi (both Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin) contributes to the debates on civil society, deliberation, opinion formation, citizenship, migration and mobilization from the experience of cultural and religious differences in cities around the Mediterranean and beyond.

Tradition and the Critique of Modernity: Secularism, Fundamentalism and Religion from Middle Eastern Perspectives
represented by Amnon Raz-Krakotzkin (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva) tries to rethink key concepts of modernity in the context of experiences, interpretations, and critiques from the Middle East in order to contribute to a more inclusive language of culture, politics and community.

Politics and Processes of Change, Archaeologies of the Present, and Imaginations of the Future are research themes that emerged during the last years and are represented by the work of several EUME Fellows and members of the Collegium (e.g. Cilja Harders, Friederike Pannewick, Rachid Ouaissa).

Since 1997, more than 400 scholars from and of the Middle East have been EUME Fellows, who, by their scholarly projects, engagement, and their inquiries into the order of knowledge, society and politics, shape the academic program of EUME that is coordinated by Georges Khalil, Jessica Metz, Claudia Pfitzner and Rashof Salih at the Forum Transregionale Studien.
“The Prison Narratives of Assad’s Syria: Voices, Texts, Publics” (SYRASP), directed by Anne-Marie McManus, and “Beyond Restitution: Heritage, (Dis)Possession and the Politics of Knowledge” (BEYONDREST), directed by Banu Karaca, are two ERC funded projects related to EUME, hosted at the Forum.


We invite scholars in the humanities and social sciences who want to carry out their research projects in connection with the Berlin-based program. The fellowships are intended to contribute to the mobility of researchers, and are primarily addressed to scholars from outside Germany. We especially encourage scholars from the Middle East to apply.

Applicants should be at the postdoctoral level and have obtained their doctorate within the last seven years. Fellows gain the opportunity to pursue research projects of their own choice within the framework of EUROPE IN THE MIDDLE EAST—THE MIDDLE EAST IN EUROPE. Successful applicants will be fellows of EUME at the Forum Transregionale Studien, and associate members of one of the university or non-university research institutes listed below or connected to the Forum Transregionale Studien.

The fellowships start on 1 October 2024 and will end on 31 July 2025. Postdoctoral fellows will receive a monthly stipend of 2,500 € plus supplements depending on their personal situation. Organisational support regarding visa, insurance, housing, etc. will be provided. Fellows are obliged to work in Berlin and to help shape the seminars and working discussions related to their research field. The working language of EUME is English.
As the number of fellowships is limited we invite interested scholars also to apply with their own or for external funding. If this may be an option, please contact us.


We kindly ask you to submit your application via the secure online application platform of the Forum Transregionale Studien by 8 April 2024, 12.00h (noon) CEST:


Please note that applications by email will not be considered.

As part of your application, you will be asked to prepare and upload the following:

— a curriculum vitae (including a list of publications);
— a project description (no longer than 5 pages), stating what the scholar will work on in Berlin if granted a fellowship, and
— the names of two university faculty members who can serve as referees (no letters of recommendation required).

In case of questions, please consult the FAQ or send an email to eume@trafo-berlin.de.


EUROPE IN THE MIDDLE EAST—THE MIDDLE EAST IN EUROPE (EUME) has been initiated in 2006 as a joint research program of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, the Fritz Thyssen Foundation and the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin. It builds upon the previous work of the Working Group Modernity and Islam (1996-2006). Since 2011, EUME is continued at the Forum Transregionale Studien.

In scholarly terms EUME is steered by a Collegium that currently consists of Ulrike Freitag (Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin), Cilja Harders (Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science, Freie Universität Berlin), Nora Lafi (Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin), Rachid Ouaissa (Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies, Philipps-Universität Marburg / MECAM – Merian Centre for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb), Friederike Pannewick (Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies, Philipps-Universität Marburg), Amnon Raz-Krakotzkin (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva), Samah Selim (Rutgers University), and Stefan Weber (Museum for Islamic Art, Berlin).

The Forum Transregionale Studien (Forum) is a platform for the international cooperation between scholars of different expertise and perspectives on global issues. Transregional approaches connect and confront diverse disciplines, regional, national and local positions and insights on global issues. The Forum provides scope for exchange on questions of science policy, epistemology and ethics, and develops infrastructures and formats that allow transregional research ideas and projects to be tested, implemented and communicated. The Forum is constituted by its members and the diversity of their research expertise and networks. It is committed to strengthening regional studies and to the principle of non-hierarchical research. It appoints scholars from around the world as fellows and engages in joint research programs and initiatives with partners from universities and research institutions in and outside Berlin. The Forum is funded by the Berlin Senate Department for Higher Education and Research, Health and Long-Term Care.

The Forum currently supports the following research programs and initiatives: EUROPE IN THE MIDDLE EAST—THE MIDDLE EAST IN EUROPE (EUME), PRISMA UKRAÏNA: Research Network Eastern Europe, and re:constitution: Exchange and Analysis on Democracy and the Rule of Law in Europe. The Forum is a member of the consortium of MECAM: Merian Centre for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb, and of the research college EUTIM: European Times – A Transregional Approach to the Societies of Central and Eastern Europe. ZUKUNFTSPHILOLOGIE: Revisiting the Canons of Textual Scholarship and 4A LAB: Art Histories, Archaeologies, Anthropologies, Aesthetics are connected programs developed at the Forum that are continued at other institutions.

For more information on the Forum Transregionale Studien, its programs, initiatives and communication, please visit

5 بورسیه دکترا در رشته تاریخ علم

محل برگزاری: آلمان
تاریخ انقضا: 1402/10/25

Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, International Max Planck Research School “Knowledge and Its Resources: Historical Reciprocities” (IMPRS-KIR)

Five Doctoral Positions

The International Max Planck Research School “Knowledge and Its Resources: Historical Reciprocities” (IMPRS-KIR) invites applications for

Five Doctoral Positions

to begin on September 1, 2024.

Each position will run for 3.5 years, with the possibility of extending once by six months.

The IMPRS-KIR is a research-driven PhD program based in the history and philosophy of science, technology, and medicine (HPSTM). It is a collaboration between the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science and Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and Technische Universität Berlin. The IMPRS-KIR traces the deep entanglements of knowledge and its resources from a long-term and global perspective. Key to its agenda is a “historical-political epistemology” that highlights how knowledge is shaped historically by a great variety of resources – political systems, technological infrastructures, social interaction, material objects, and media technologies. Knowledge, in turn, is understood as a means to define and unlock such resources, while being, in and of itself, one of the key resources of human culture.

The school offers training in historical political epistemology, combining HPSTM with regional and global studies, science and technology studies (STS), all fields of history, media studies, museum studies, archaeology, art history, literary studies, philology, environmental studies, and digital humanities research. Prospective doctoral students with projects on any specialty and period within these and related fields are invited to apply.

The doctoral positions are open to applicants of all nationalities holding a master’s degree (or equivalent) in the aforementioned fields and having proficiency in English, and, preferably, in one or more additional languages. Candidates are expected to be able to present and discuss their work and that of others in English; dissertations may be submitted in German, English, or any of the supervisors’ working languages. Selection criteria relate to the excellence of the individual candidate and project and the closeness of the projects fit with the school’s agenda.

The IMPRS-KIR is located at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Dahlem, Berlin. Students will work in a stimulating international and interdisciplinary research environment. The school’s program entails one year of courses held in conjunction with the three Berlin universities involved in the IMPRS-KIR (FU, HU, TU), as well as mentored reading groups, workshops, training in digital humanities methods, a tailored coaching program, and language courses. A research budget will be available for travel to archives worldwide. Additionally, students may opt to spend up to one semester at one of our international partner universities (University of Pennsylvania, Nanyang Technological University Singapore, Singapore University of Technology and Design).

The successful applicants will receive funding via an employment contract with the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science or with one of the three Berlin universities involved in the IMPRS-KIR (FU, HU, TU) and will have the possibility to teach. Two employment contracts will be issued by the MPIWG (2/3 E 13 TVöD), one employment contract each by FU, HU, and TU (2/3 E 13 TV‑L). For details on the contractual framework, please refer to the FAQ on the IMPRS website (https://imprs.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/how-to-apply#section_2).

The PhD degrees will be awarded by one of the Berlin university departments represented in the Principal Teaching Faculty. Additionally, an IMPRS certificate of the Max Planck Society will be awarded.

Applicants are asked to submit the following materials:

  • a cover letter with a personal statement of your motivation for applying to the IMPRS-KIR (max. 1,000 words)
  • a dissertation proposal (max. 2,500 words, excluding bibliography) including working title, abstract (max. 250 words), research topic and state of the art in the field of study concerned, research questions and objectives, methodology, short description of the project’s feasibility and how it would be carried out (including a list of archives if applicable), bibliography (max. 30 titles)
  • a curriculum vitae (one to two pages)
  • copies of degree certificates / proof of the finishing date of your master’s degree
  • transcript of grades achieved during your master’s studies
  • proof of fluency in English (preferably at level C1, but at least at level B2); if English is your native language or if you went to a university where the language of instruction was English, you do not need to submit an English certificate
  • contact details of two academic referees; our selection committee will contact referees for shortlisted applicants

Please submit these materials as separate PDF documents exclusively through the following application portalhttps://recruitment.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/position/25821191.

Only complete applications submitted via the application portal will be accepted. The portal will close on January 15, 2024, 23:59 Central European Time.

The IMPRS-KIR aims to foster diversity within its four collaborating institutions. We welcome applications from all qualified individuals regardless of age, disabilities, ethnicity, gender, nationality, religion, or sexual orientation.

For more information, please consult the FAQs on the website of the IMPRShttps://imprs.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/how-to-apply.

For further inquiries about the new PhD program and the recruitment process, please contact the IMPRS Office: imprs-office@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de.

Please note that we cannot consider applications sent by e-mail or post. The e-mail addresses given above are only for your questions.

فرصت مطالعاتی در دانشگاه هاروارد

مهلت درخواست: 1402/11/26

Visiting Fellowships 2024–2025

Applications due February 15, 2024

Harvard Law School’s Program on Law and Society in the Muslim World invites applications for Visiting Fellowships for the 2024–2025 academic year. This fellowship provides opportunities for outstanding scholars and legal practitioners to undertake research, writing, and scholarly engagement on law and society in Muslim majority and minority contexts. We are particularly interested in applicants whose work focuses on constitutional law, human rights, women’s rights, children’s rights, minority rights, animal welfare and rights, food law, environmental law and climate change, migration and refugee studies, LGBTQ issues, and related areas.

We welcome applications from scholars who have completed an advanced degree (e.g., PhD, SJD, JD, LLM, or other comparable degree) and have an established academic record, as well as experienced and accomplished practicing lawyers who aim to draw upon their legal experience in their Fellowship project. Fellows may spend from one month up to one academic year (excluding June-August) in residence at Harvard Law School working on an independent project. We seek applicants from a diverse range of backgrounds, academic traditions, and scholarly interests. 

Fellows will receive a stipend of up to $5,000 per month. While Fellows will devote the majority of their time to their research projects, they are expected to participate in Program activities and contribute to the intellectual life of the Program. Fellows are expected to deliver a lecture or workshop related to their topic of interest. Under certain conditions, a PLSMW fellowship may be combined with another fellowship or award.

The deadline to submit all application materials (including letters of recommendation) is February 15, 2024 to be considered for a fellowship term during the 2024–2025 academic year. Click here for additional information and how to apply.

کنفرانس آنلاین در نروژ: تحلیل متن-اسناد حدیث

ICMA Conference

Georgetown University and Charles Sturt University Conference 2024

Isnād-cum-Matn Analysis (ICMA) as a Method in Contemporary Hadith Studies


The Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding of Georgetown University and the Centre for Islamic Studies and Civilisation of Charles Sturt University in collaboration with Comparative Islamic Studies (Equinox Journal) are pleased to host an online conference on Isnād-cum-matn Analysis (ICMA) as a Method in Contemporary Hadith Studies on 27-28 January 2024.

Western academic scholarship on the origin and transmission of hadith and traditional Muslim hadith methodologies of authentication, though studying the same body of literature, often operate in disconnected universes. It is of scholarly importance to academic development and for the continued vibrancy of the hadith tradition, as practiced by Muslim ulema, that dialogue continues between the two. Conferences aiming to do so, such as the one at Pembroke College, Oxford in 2019 on the topic of Modern Hadith Studies between Arabophone and Western scholarship, are a welcome effort, though the field remains siloed.

Since the academic movement is most closely associated with the work of Harold Motzki from the 1990s, there has been a shift beyond the so-called ‘skeptical’ school with respect to hadith using the technique of ICMA. This method analyses the variation of hadith texts according to their paths of transmission, seeking to provide a reliable date for the time at which a hadith was first in common circulation (as witnessed by its corroborated chains). Scholars with a range of theoretical perspectives have used this methodology to analyze and in particular, date hadiths on various topics. The method is commonly used to recover as much as possible of the hadith corpus as a viable historical source for the first two centuries of Islam, even though the canonical compilations date mainly to the third century and later. Though ICMA has received positive reception, especially in the context of the prior prevailing academic skepticism about hadith, critical voices have been raised. Some scholars have argued for the continuation of a more skeptical attitude towards the transmission of hadith, based on the ways that fabricated reports and chains can enter the corpus. Others have suggested that Motzki’s focus on full textual corroboration does not go far enough and other techniques, including those used within the Islamic intellectual tradition, could be legitimately added to date hadiths earlier still. Finally, some scholars defend the integrity of the canonical hadith collections as a whole.

This conference will provide a forum for the assessment of an international group of experts on hadith, from a variety of backgrounds and theoretical perspectives. The intention is to provide a ‘state of the art’ appraisal of ICMA within hadith studies and related academic disciplines, with selected papers published with the blind peer reviewed journal Comparative Islamic Studies.

The conference invites papers on a range of methodological and historiographical inquiries surrounding the use of ICMA in the field of hadith studies. While case studies involving the application of the method to specific hadith clusters is likely to feature in many of the papers, the intended focus is the broader question of method. The ability to advance questions of hadith methodology through the analysis of specific traditions is modelled by Motzki’s pioneering contributions to the field

Papers are requested on topics addressing questions such as:

  • How has ICMA been received in hadith studies in the past three decades?
  • What is the epistemic status of ICMA analysis?
  • What does ICMA reveal about the common links of hadith?
  • What are the advantages and limitations of the technique, and the scope of its application?
  • Are there similar techniques to the ICMA in classical Muslim scholarship and have they yielded the same results?
  • What are the challenges of conducting ICMA and can technology, such as electronic databases and AI generated tools, contribute to the development of reliable tools?
  • How does ICMA relate to the historiographical reception of hadith in academic circles and the hadith canon in Islamic religious tradition?

These topics are intended to be taken broadly and papers on ICMA from different theoretical, methodological and empirical perspectives are also welcome.

Send proposals of up to 300 words to sansari@respectgs.us by 31 August 2023, which will be reviewed by members of the organizing committee. Please include relevant affiliation, a 200 word biography and contact information in a single Word document along with the abstract.

Conference presentations should be no longer than 20 minutes. Selected conference papers will be published as a Special Issue of the journal Comparative Islamic Studies

  • Call for abstracts deadline: 31 August 2023
  • Announcement of accepted papers: 18 September 2023
  • Online Conference: 27-28 January 2024
  • Manuscript submission deadline: 31 March 2024

پنج فرصت مطالعاتی در برلین

محل برگزاری: برلین
تاریخ انقضا: 1401/11/5

(Location: Berlin / Closing Date: 25 January, 2023)

The Berlin-based Forum Transregionale Studien invites scholars to apply for up to five postdoctoral fellowships for the academic year 2023/2024 for the research program


EUME seeks to rethink key concepts and premises that link and divide Europe and the Middle East. The program draws on the international expertise of a growing network of scholars in and outside of Germany and is embedded in university and extra-university research institutions in and outside of Berlin. EUME supports historical-critical philology, rigorous engagement with the literatures of the Middle East and their histories, the social history and life of cities and the study of Middle Eastern political and philosophical thought as central fields of research not only for area or cultural studies, but also for European intellectual history and other academic disciplines. The program explores modernity as a historical space and conceptual frame. EUME is interested in questions relating to ongoing transformation processes in Europe and the Middle East, in re-imaginations of the past and present that contribute to free, pluralistic and just societies.

The program puts forward three programmatic ideas:

1) supporting research that demonstrates the rich and complex historical legacies and entanglements between Europe and the Middle East; 2) re-examining genealogical notions of mythical ‘origins’, and ‘purity’ in relation to culture and society; and 3) rethinking key concepts of a shared modernity and future in light of contemporary cultural, social, and political divisions and entanglements that supersede identity discourses as well as national, cultural or regional canons and epistemologies that were established in the nineteenth century.

EUROPE IN THE MIDDLE EAST—THE MIDDLE EAST IN EUROPE supports and rests upon interconnected research fields and themes that mark the open framework for the fellowship program that constitutes EUME:

represented by Friederike Pannewick (Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies/Department for Arabic Studies, Philipps-Universität Marburg) and Samah Selim (Rutgers University) reassesses literary entanglements and processes of translation and canonization between Europe and the Middle East.

represented by Ulrike Freitag and Nora Lafi (both Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin) contributes to the debates on civil society, deliberation, opinion formation, citizenship, migration and mobilization from the experience of cultural and religious differences in cities around the Mediterranean and beyond.

represented by Amnon Raz-Krakotzkin (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva) tries to rethink key concepts of modernity in the context of experiences, interpretations, and critiques from the Middle East in order to contribute to a more inclusive language of culture, politics and community.

are research themes that emerged during the last years and are represented by the work of several EUME Fellows and members of the Collegium (e.g. Cilja Harders, Friederike Pannewick, Rachid Ouaissa).

Since 1997, more than 350 scholars from and of the Middle East have been EUME Fellows, who, by their scholarly projects, engagement, and their inquiries into the order of knowledge, society and politics, shape the academic program of EUME that is coordinated by Georges Khalil, Jessica Metz, Claudia Pfitzner and Wiebke Harlis at the Forum Transregionale Studien. 


The fellowships are intended primarily for scholars in the humanities and social sciences who want to carry out their research projects in connection with the Berlin program. The fellowships are intended to contribute to the mobility of researchers, and are primarily addressed to scholars from outside Germany. We especially encourage scholars from the Middle East to apply.

Applicants should be at the postdoctoral level and should have obtained their doctorate within the last seven years. Fellows gain the opportunity to pursue research projects of their own choice within the framework of EUROPE IN THE MIDDLE EAST—THE MIDDLE EAST IN EUROPE. Successful applicants will be fellows of EUME at the Forum Transregionale Studien, and associate members of one of the university or non-university research institutes listed below or connected to the Forum Transregionale Studien.

The fellowships start on 1 October 2023 and will end on 31 July 2024. Postdoctoral fellows will receive a monthly stipend of 2,500 € plus supplements depending on their personal situation. Organizational support regarding visas, insurance, housing, etc. will be provided. Fellows are obliged to work in Berlin and to help shape the seminars and working discussions related to their research field. The working language of EUME is English.

As the number of fellowships is limited we invite interested scholars to apply with their own or for external funding. If this may be an option, please contact us. 


We kindly ask you to submit your application via the secure online application platform of the Forum Transregionale Studien by 25 January 2023, 12.00h (noon) CET:


Please note that applications by email will not be considered.

As part of your application, you will be asked to prepare and upload the following:

— a curriculum vitae (including a list of publications);
— a project description (no longer than 5 pages), stating what the scholar will work on in Berlin if granted a fellowship, and
— the names of two university faculty members who can serve as referees (no letters of recommendation required).

In case of questions, please consult the FAQ or send an email to eume@trafo-berlin.de.


EUROPE IN THE MIDDLE EAST—THE MIDDLE EAST IN EUROPE (EUME) has been initiated in 2006 as a joint research program of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, the Fritz Thyssen Foundation and the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin. It builds upon the previous work of the Working Group Modernity and Islam (1996-2006). Since 2011 EUME is continued at the Forum Transregionale Studien.

In scholarly terms EUME is steered by a Collegium that currently consists of Ulrike Freitag (Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin), Cilja Harders (Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science, Freie Universität Berlin), Nora Lafi (Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin), Rachid Ouaissa (Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies, Philipps-Universität Marburg / MECAM – Merian Centre for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb), Friederike Pannewick (Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies, Philipps-Universität Marburg), Amnon Raz-Krakotzkin (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva), Samah Selim (Rutgers University), and Stefan Weber (Museum for Islamic Art, Berlin).

The Berlin-based Forum Transregionale Studien (Forum) is a research institution and platform for international cooperation between scholars of different expertise and perspective on global issues. The Forum provides scope for exchange on questions of science policy, epistemology and ethics, and develops infrastructures and formats that allow transregional research ideas and projects to be tested, implemented and communicated. The Forum is constituted by its members and the diversity of their research expertise and networks. It is committed to strengthening regional studies and to the principle of non-hierarchical research. It appoints scholars from around the world as fellows and engages in joint research programs and initiatives with partners from universities and research institutions in and outside Berlin. The Forum is funded by the Berlin Senate Department for Higher Education and Research, Health, Long-Term Care and Gender Equality.

The Forum currently supports the following research programs and initiatives: EUROPE IN THE MIDDLE EAST—THE MIDDLE EAST IN EUROPE (EUME), PRISMA UKRAÏNA: Research Network Eastern Europe, and RE:CONSTITUTION: Exchange and Analysis on Democracy and the Rule of Law in Europe. The Forum is a member of the research college EUTIM: European Times – A Transregional Approach to the Societies of Central and Eastern Europe, and of the consortium of MECAM: Merian Centre for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb. It is also a founding member of the ACADEMY IN EXILE. ZUKUNFTSPHILOLOGIE: Revisiting the Canons of Textual Scholarship and 4A_Lab: Art Histories, Archaeologies, Anthropologies, Aesthetics are connected programs developed at the Forum that are continued at other institutions.

For more information on the Forum Transregionale Studien, its programs, initiatives and communication, please visit:

TRAFO – Blog for Transregional Research

For more information on EUME and for detailed information on the research fields and themes, please visit:

For information on the research institutions participating in EUME, please visit:

– Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies, FU Berlin

– Center for Middle Eastern and North African Politics, Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science, FU Berlin

– Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient

– Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School of Literary Studies, FU Berlin

– Institute of Islamic Studies, FU Berlin

– Museum for Islamic Art

– Seminar for Semitic and Arabic Studies, FU Berlin

– Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies, Philipps-Universität Marburg

– MECAM – Merian Centre for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb

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