فرصت مطالعاتی در یکی از مراکز دانشگاهی و تحقیقاتی آلمان

دانشجویان دکتری علاقه مند به گذراندن دوره فرصت مطالعاتی در یکی از مراکز دانشگاهی و تحقیقاتی آلمان می توانند برای برنامه ی بورس جدید مشترک میان مؤسسه دآآد و وزارت علوم، تحقیقات و فن آوری جمهوری اسلامی ایران درخواست حمایت مالی ارائه دهند. دوره ی اول درخواست تا پایان آگوست ۲۰۱۶ می باشد. درخواست آن لاین در وب سایت دآآد از نیمه ماه ژولای امکان پذیر خواهد بود.


فرصت شغلی در رشته مطالعات اسلامی

محل برگزاری: واشنگتن
تاریخ اعتبار: ۱۰-۰۷-۱۳۹۵

Assistant Professor in the study of Islam

Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, a letter summarizing teaching interests and scholarly agenda, a transcript of their graduate work, and provide contact information for three letters of recommendation by November 1. Applications should be submitted electronically to Dr. Timothy Lubin, chair of the search committee, by applying through this online position. Review of applications will begin October 15. Interviews will be conducted at the annual meetings of the American Academy of Religion and the American Historical Association. Washington and Lee is an Equal Opportunity Employer. As such, we are interested in candidates who are committed to high standards of scholarship, performance and professionalism and to the development of a campus climate that supports equality and diversity in our faculty, staff and student body. Job description requirements are representative, but not all‐inclusive of the knowledge, skill, and abilities needed to successfully perform this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable qualified individuals with disabilities to perform essential functions. بیشتر بخوانید

پذیرش دانشجوی دکتری در موضوع تاریخ فکر و اندیشه در جهان

محل برگزاری: برلین
تاریخ اعتبار: ۲۵-۰۶-۱۳۹۵


دانشگاه برلین ۱۲ دانشجوی دکتری در موضوع تاریخ فکر و اندیشه در جهان (قرنهای ۱۸- ۲۰) پذیرش می کند. دانشجویان رشته های علوم انسانی بویژه تاریخ و رشته های مطالعات اسلامی میتوانند ثبت نام کنند. در صورت پذیرش به دانشجویان بورسیه شامل بیمه و هزینه های زندگی پرداخت می شود.


The Graduate School Global Intellectual History invites applications for twelve PhD fellowships and one postdoctoral fellowship.

The graduate school aims to explore intellectual reactions to processes of entanglement from the 18th to 20th century in their social, cultural and political contexts: the trans-border spread of ideas, claims to universal validity, as well as counter-movements and resistance to such claims.

The graduate school is funded by the German Research Council (DFG) and jointly run by Freie Universität Berlin and Humboldt-Universität Berlin. It builds on a strong research tradition in area studies and global history at both universities, including the jointly-run MA program in Global History. It offers a stimulating research environment, substantial financial support for archival stays and a strong network of international partners in the form of the Global History Cooperative……. بیشتر بخوانید

تاثیر مطالعات و دستآوردهای ژنتیکی بر اخلاق و فقه اسلامی

این کنفرانس در قطر روزهای سوم تا پنجم آپریل ۲۰۱۷ برگزار می شود. مهلت ارسال چکیده مقاله تا ۲۶ مرداد سال ۱۳۹۵ است. مقالات برتر این کنفرانس در مجله Journal of Islamic Ethics از منشورات بریل (هلند) چاپ خواهد شد. برای اطلاع بیشتر اینجا را کلیک کنید.

کنفرانس نگاه فلسفی به مساله مهاجرت و پناهندگی

محل برگزاری: برلین
تاریخ اعتبار: ۱۵-۰۵-۱۳۹۵

پذیرش پناهندگان به لحاظ فلسفه اخلاق عملی انسانی و عدالت طلبانه است. دولتها برابر معاهدۀ ژنو ملزم به پذیرش و میزبانی آنها هستند. اما با اقزایش تعداد آنها و مشکلاتی که برای مردم میزبان پیش می آید سوالات دیگری هم از قبیل مرزبندی های سیاسی جغرافیایی، مسائل نژاد پرستانه و بحرانهای اقتصادی مثل بیکاری مطرح می شوند. در کنفرانس زیر این پرسش ها و تعارض ها بحث خواهد شد. متخصصان فلسفه اخلاق، عالمان علوم سیاسی و جامعه شناسی و رشته های از این دست میتوانند با ارسال مقاله در این کنفرانس شرکت کنند.

In recent times the refugee question became a central challenge in Europe. According to the UNHCR, more than 64 million people had to flee their homes and seek refuge and safety elsewhere. Although only very few of these refugees manage to get to Europe, discussions on the refugee question in Europe are highly controversial. International conventions as the Geneva convention for the protection of refuges oblige states to host refuges. But whereas on the one hand the public and civil society support the protection of refugees and welcome them, on the other hand parts of the public present refugees as a threat and danger. Extremist right wing movements threaten and attack refugees, their homes and individuals of civil society in favor of refugee protection. In all of the European countries national conservative, extreme right and racial discourses and movements are growing.

Many countries do not take in refugees at all and built high fences or implement strict border controls. Along the closed European borders refugees بیشتر بخوانید

فرصت مطالعاتی نه ماهه همراه با تامین هزینه ها

محل برگزاری: برلین
تاریخ اعتبار: ۲۰-۰۲-۱۳۹۵

(Location: Berlin / Closing Date: May, 9, 2016)
The Berlin-based Forum Transregionale Studien invites scholars to apply for five postdoctoral fellowships for the research program
EUME seeks to rethink key concepts and premises that link and divide Europe and the Middle East. The program draws on the international expertise of scholars in and outside of Germany and is embedded in university and extra-university research institutions in Berlin. It supports historical-critical philology, rigorous engagement with the literatures of the Middle East and their histories, the social history of cities and the study of Middle Eastern political and philosophical thought as central fields of research not only for area or cultural studies, but also for European intellectual history and other academic disciplines. The program explores modernity as a historical space and conceptual frame.
The program puts forward three programmatic ideas:
۱) supporting research that demonstrates the rich and complex historical legacies and entanglements between Europe and the Middle East; 2) re-examining genealogical notions of mythical ‘beginnings’, ‘origins’, and ‘purity’ in relation to culture and society; and 3) rethinking key concepts of a shared modernity in light of contemporary cultural, social, and political entanglements that supersede identity discourses as well as national, cultural or regional canons and epistemologies that were established in the nineteenth century.
EUME supports and builds upon the following interconnected research fields: بیشتر بخوانید

فرصت مطالعاتی نه ماهه در باب تاریخ هنر همراه با پرداخت شهریه

محل برگزاری: برلین
تاریخ اعـتـبار: ۲۵-۱۰-۱۳۹۴

The Berlin-based FORUM TRANSREGIONALE STUDIEN invites scholars to apply for up to ten postdoctoral fellowships within the framework of the research program Art Histories and Aesthetic Practices. Kunstgeschichte und ästhetische Praktiken for the academic year 2016/2017.

Art Histories and Aesthetic Practices is a research and fellowship program which questions and transcends traditional disciplinary boundaries of art history in a transcultural, global horizon. By creating a space of dialogue for scholars from all continents and regions, it aims to discuss the potentials and contours of a plural history of art. It especially invites scholars from Islamic, Asian, African, Australian, European  art histories and those of the Americas to join the program, but also addresses neighboring disciplines such as Archaeology and other fields dealing with the history of visual cultures. Art Histories and Aesthetic Practices analyses the connectivity of larger historical spaces in a transregional perspective and investigates artistic and aesthetic practices and the history of artifacts in a comparative approach, experimenting with new methodologies and forms of collaborative research. The concept of Aesthetic Practices introduced by this program, is an invitation to study artifacts with their biographies as well as processes of transfer and transformation in a transcultural, postcolonial and global perspective. The program has no chronological or geographical constraints. It collaborates with the museums of Berlin, the Berlin universities, as well as other international and national academic partners, and aims at an intense interaction of art historical institutions. Its scholarly environment is designed to enable and encourage both fellows and the wider community to experiment and refine transregional approaches to the history of visual cultures and aesthetic practices. بیشتر بخوانید

MA Intellectual Encounters of the Islamicate World

محل برگزاری: برلین
تاریخ اعـتـبار: ۱۰-۰۳-۱۳۹۵

The aim of the MA Intellectual Encounters of the Islamicate World is to provide international graduate students with a thorough understanding of the deep and diverse links between the Muslim, Jewish and Christian intellectual contributions during the Medieval period. The program is therefore characterised by a strongly research-driven, interdisciplinary and interreligious approach with an emphasis on primary texts in the original language (Arabic). Students will be trained and mentored by internationally renowned guest lecturers who are counted among the leading experts in their respective fields of research.

The primarily web-based MA program also includes three face-to-face sessions per academic year during which the students and teachers will actually come together for several days/a couple of weeks for discussion, teaching and examination. Freie Universität Berlin offers this one-year, full-time MA program of 60 ECTS to an expected number of 20 students, many of whom are from the Middle East. The language of instruction is English.

Entry Requirements

–  Above-average university degree proven by a transcript of records

-۲۴۰ ECTS credit points, at least 80 of which must be in one or more of the following disciplines: Islamic, Arabic, Jewish or Religious Studies, Philosophy and/or equivalent fields بیشتر بخوانید

فرصت مطالعاتی پست دکتری در برلین به همراه پرداخت هزینه ها

محل برگزاری: برلین
تاریخ اعـتـبار: ۴-۰۲-۱۳۹۴


The Berlin-based Forum Transregionale Studien invites scholars to apply for five postdoctoral fellowships for the research program

europe in the middle east – the middle east in europe (EUME)

EUME seeks to rethink key concepts and premises that link and divide Europe and the Middle East. The program draws on the international expertise of scholars in and outside of Germany and is embedded in university and extra-university research institutions in Berlin. It supports historical-critical philology, rigorous engagement with the literatures of the Middle East and their histories, the social history of cities and the study of Middle Eastern political and philosophical thought as central fields of research not only for area or cultural studies, but also for European intellectual history and other academic disciplines. The program explores modernity as a historical space and conceptual frame.

The program puts forward three programmatic ideas:

۱) supporting research that demonstrates the rich and complex historical legacies and entanglements between Europe and the Middle East.

۲) re-examining genealogical notions of mythical ‘beginnings’, ‘origins’, and ‘purity’ in relation to culture and society; and

۳) rethinking key concepts of a shared modernity in light of contemporary cultural, social, and political entanglements that supersede identity discourses as well as national, cultural or regional canons and epistemologies that were established in the nineteenth century.

EUME supports and builds upon the following interconnected research fields: بیشتر بخوانید

پرداخت کمک هزینه برای ترجمه متون

تاریخ انتشار: ۰۳-۱۱-۱۳۹۳
تاریخ اعـتبار: ۰۱-۰۲-۱۳۹۴

مرکز مطالعات ایران و خلیج فارس در دانشگاه پرینستون در سال میلادی ٢٠١٤ با هدف بنیان گذاری مرکزی بینا رشته ای در رده ی جهانی و به منظور بالا بردن سطح و تقویت مطالعات مربوط به ایران و خلیج فارس تاسیس شد. هدف این مرکز ترویج و حمایت از تلاش های نوآورانه و گفت وگوهای روشنگرانه در این زمینه است.

یکی از نخستین گام های مرکز مطالعات ایران و خلیج فارس در این زمینه فراهم آوردن کمک هزینه ای به نام هاوارد باسکرویل برای ترجمه و آماده سازی و انتشار کتاب ها و پژوهش های با ارزش در حوزه ی علوم اجتماعی و انسانی است که تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده و در دسترس نبوده است. کمک هزینه ی فوق به نام و یاد هاوارد کانکلن باسکرویل، فارغ التحصیل سال ١٩٠٧ دانشگاه پرینستون، بنیاد گذاشته شده است.

مسؤولان کمک هزینه ی هاوارد باسکرویل از طرح های پیشنهادی برای ترجمه ی متون معتبر و مفید و ارزشمند و دانشورانه از هر زبانی به زبان فارسی و نشر آن در بازار نشر ایران که به جامعه ی علمی و تخصصی ایران یاری کند استقبال می کنند. به طور خاص متونی در مد نظراند که برای تدریس در دوره های کارشناسی و کارشناسی ارشد در رشته هایی همچون تاریخ، علوم سیاسی، اقتصاد، حقوق، جامعه شناسی، انسان شناسی، ادبیات، هنر، و مطالعات فرهنگی مفید فایده باشند.

برای دریافت اطلاعیه کلیک کنید

این جا یک سایت کتاب فروشی نیست.

هدف اول و غیر انتفاعی ما معرفی بهترین ها در میان انبوه آثار است.
در عین حال امکان خرید هم دارید.

تمام حقوق برای وب سايت آثار برتر محفوظ است. © 1387 - ۱۴۰۳
پياده سازی قالب توسط شرکت پرتونگار