فرصت مطالعاتی نه ماهه همراه با تامین هزینه ها

محل برگزاری: برلین
تاریخ اعتبار: ۲۰-۰۲-۱۳۹۵

(Location: Berlin / Closing Date: May, 9, 2016)
The Berlin-based Forum Transregionale Studien invites scholars to apply for five postdoctoral fellowships for the research program
EUME seeks to rethink key concepts and premises that link and divide Europe and the Middle East. The program draws on the international expertise of scholars in and outside of Germany and is embedded in university and extra-university research institutions in Berlin. It supports historical-critical philology, rigorous engagement with the literatures of the Middle East and their histories, the social history of cities and the study of Middle Eastern political and philosophical thought as central fields of research not only for area or cultural studies, but also for European intellectual history and other academic disciplines. The program explores modernity as a historical space and conceptual frame.
The program puts forward three programmatic ideas:
۱) supporting research that demonstrates the rich and complex historical legacies and entanglements between Europe and the Middle East; 2) re-examining genealogical notions of mythical ‘beginnings’, ‘origins’, and ‘purity’ in relation to culture and society; and 3) rethinking key concepts of a shared modernity in light of contemporary cultural, social, and political entanglements that supersede identity discourses as well as national, cultural or regional canons and epistemologies that were established in the nineteenth century.
EUME supports and builds upon the following interconnected research fields: بیشتر بخوانید

فرصت مطالعاتی نه ماهه در باب تاریخ هنر همراه با پرداخت شهریه

محل برگزاری: برلین
تاریخ اعـتـبار: ۲۵-۱۰-۱۳۹۴

The Berlin-based FORUM TRANSREGIONALE STUDIEN invites scholars to apply for up to ten postdoctoral fellowships within the framework of the research program Art Histories and Aesthetic Practices. Kunstgeschichte und ästhetische Praktiken for the academic year 2016/2017.

Art Histories and Aesthetic Practices is a research and fellowship program which questions and transcends traditional disciplinary boundaries of art history in a transcultural, global horizon. By creating a space of dialogue for scholars from all continents and regions, it aims to discuss the potentials and contours of a plural history of art. It especially invites scholars from Islamic, Asian, African, Australian, European  art histories and those of the Americas to join the program, but also addresses neighboring disciplines such as Archaeology and other fields dealing with the history of visual cultures. Art Histories and Aesthetic Practices analyses the connectivity of larger historical spaces in a transregional perspective and investigates artistic and aesthetic practices and the history of artifacts in a comparative approach, experimenting with new methodologies and forms of collaborative research. The concept of Aesthetic Practices introduced by this program, is an invitation to study artifacts with their biographies as well as processes of transfer and transformation in a transcultural, postcolonial and global perspective. The program has no chronological or geographical constraints. It collaborates with the museums of Berlin, the Berlin universities, as well as other international and national academic partners, and aims at an intense interaction of art historical institutions. Its scholarly environment is designed to enable and encourage both fellows and the wider community to experiment and refine transregional approaches to the history of visual cultures and aesthetic practices. بیشتر بخوانید

MA Intellectual Encounters of the Islamicate World

محل برگزاری: برلین
تاریخ اعـتـبار: ۱۰-۰۳-۱۳۹۵

The aim of the MA Intellectual Encounters of the Islamicate World is to provide international graduate students with a thorough understanding of the deep and diverse links between the Muslim, Jewish and Christian intellectual contributions during the Medieval period. The program is therefore characterised by a strongly research-driven, interdisciplinary and interreligious approach with an emphasis on primary texts in the original language (Arabic). Students will be trained and mentored by internationally renowned guest lecturers who are counted among the leading experts in their respective fields of research.

The primarily web-based MA program also includes three face-to-face sessions per academic year during which the students and teachers will actually come together for several days/a couple of weeks for discussion, teaching and examination. Freie Universität Berlin offers this one-year, full-time MA program of 60 ECTS to an expected number of 20 students, many of whom are from the Middle East. The language of instruction is English.

Entry Requirements

–  Above-average university degree proven by a transcript of records

-۲۴۰ ECTS credit points, at least 80 of which must be in one or more of the following disciplines: Islamic, Arabic, Jewish or Religious Studies, Philosophy and/or equivalent fields بیشتر بخوانید

فرصت مطالعاتی پست دکتری در برلین به همراه پرداخت هزینه ها

محل برگزاری: برلین
تاریخ اعـتـبار: ۴-۰۲-۱۳۹۴


The Berlin-based Forum Transregionale Studien invites scholars to apply for five postdoctoral fellowships for the research program

europe in the middle east – the middle east in europe (EUME)

EUME seeks to rethink key concepts and premises that link and divide Europe and the Middle East. The program draws on the international expertise of scholars in and outside of Germany and is embedded in university and extra-university research institutions in Berlin. It supports historical-critical philology, rigorous engagement with the literatures of the Middle East and their histories, the social history of cities and the study of Middle Eastern political and philosophical thought as central fields of research not only for area or cultural studies, but also for European intellectual history and other academic disciplines. The program explores modernity as a historical space and conceptual frame.

The program puts forward three programmatic ideas:

۱) supporting research that demonstrates the rich and complex historical legacies and entanglements between Europe and the Middle East.

۲) re-examining genealogical notions of mythical ‘beginnings’, ‘origins’, and ‘purity’ in relation to culture and society; and

۳) rethinking key concepts of a shared modernity in light of contemporary cultural, social, and political entanglements that supersede identity discourses as well as national, cultural or regional canons and epistemologies that were established in the nineteenth century.

EUME supports and builds upon the following interconnected research fields: بیشتر بخوانید

پرداخت کمک هزینه برای ترجمه متون

تاریخ انتشار: ۰۳-۱۱-۱۳۹۳
تاریخ اعـتبار: ۰۱-۰۲-۱۳۹۴

مرکز مطالعات ایران و خلیج فارس در دانشگاه پرینستون در سال میلادی ٢٠١٤ با هدف بنیان گذاری مرکزی بینا رشته ای در رده ی جهانی و به منظور بالا بردن سطح و تقویت مطالعات مربوط به ایران و خلیج فارس تاسیس شد. هدف این مرکز ترویج و حمایت از تلاش های نوآورانه و گفت وگوهای روشنگرانه در این زمینه است.

یکی از نخستین گام های مرکز مطالعات ایران و خلیج فارس در این زمینه فراهم آوردن کمک هزینه ای به نام هاوارد باسکرویل برای ترجمه و آماده سازی و انتشار کتاب ها و پژوهش های با ارزش در حوزه ی علوم اجتماعی و انسانی است که تا کنون به زبان فارسی ترجمه نشده و در دسترس نبوده است. کمک هزینه ی فوق به نام و یاد هاوارد کانکلن باسکرویل، فارغ التحصیل سال ١٩٠٧ دانشگاه پرینستون، بنیاد گذاشته شده است.

مسؤولان کمک هزینه ی هاوارد باسکرویل از طرح های پیشنهادی برای ترجمه ی متون معتبر و مفید و ارزشمند و دانشورانه از هر زبانی به زبان فارسی و نشر آن در بازار نشر ایران که به جامعه ی علمی و تخصصی ایران یاری کند استقبال می کنند. به طور خاص متونی در مد نظراند که برای تدریس در دوره های کارشناسی و کارشناسی ارشد در رشته هایی همچون تاریخ، علوم سیاسی، اقتصاد، حقوق، جامعه شناسی، انسان شناسی، ادبیات، هنر، و مطالعات فرهنگی مفید فایده باشند.

برای دریافت اطلاعیه کلیک کنید

اعطای بورس تحصیلی در رشته مطالعات منطقه ای

محل برگزاری: اسکاتلند
تاریخ اعـتـبار: ۱۲-۱۱-۱۳۹۳

اعطای بورس تحصیلی در رشته مطالعات منطقه ای (دو سال عربی فشرده به عنوان فوق لیسانس + سه سال مطالعات منطقه ای به عنوان دکتری) به همراه هزینه ها – دانشگاه گلاسکو و ادینبورگ

Language-Based Area Studies MSc + PhD studentships in Arabic at the University of Edinburgh

ESRC Scottish Doctoral Training Centre MSc + PhD studentships for 2015 are available at the University of Edinburgh or the University of Glasgow.

Three Language Based Area Studies (LBAS) MSc + PhD studentships will be awarded by the Centre for Russian, Central and East European Studies, (CRCEES), University of Glasgow, and the Centre for the Advanced Study of the Arab World (CASAW), University of Edinburgh.

Starting date September 2015. بیشتر بخوانید

The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation

محل برگزاری: امریکا
تاریخ انتشار: ۰۸-۱۰-۱۳۹۳
تاریخ اعـتـبار: سالیانه برگزار می شود

The foundation welcomes proposals from any of the natural and social sciences and the humanities that promise to increase understanding of the causes, manifestations, and control of violence and aggression. Highest priority is given to research that can increase understanding and amelioration of urgent problems of violence and aggression in the modern world.

Questions that interest the foundation concern violence and aggression in relation to social change, intergroup conflict, war, terrorism, crime, and family relationships, among other subjects. Research with no relevance to understanding human problems will not be supported, nor will proposals to investigate urgent social problems where the foundation cannot be assured that useful, sound research can be done. Priority will also be given to areas and methodologies not receiving adequate attention and support from other funding sources. بیشتر بخوانید

General Guidelines for Submitting Applications for Dissertation Fellowships

محل برگزاری: امریکا
تاریخ اعـتـبار: ۱۲-۱۱-۱۳۹۳


In addition to the foundation’s program of support for postdoctoral research, ten or more dissertation fellowships are awarded each year to graduate students who would complete the writing of a dissertation within the award year.

These fellowships of $20,000 each are designed to contribute to the support of the doctoral candidate to enable him or her to complete the thesis in a timely manner and are only appropriate for students approaching the final year of their Ph.D. work.

This fellowship is not for support of doctoral research. Applications are evaluated in comparison with each other and not in competition with the postdoctoral research grant proposals. Applicants may be citizens of any country and studying at colleges or universities in any country.

Questions that interest the foundation concern violence and aggression in relation to social change, intergroup conflict, war, terrorism, crime, and family relationships, among other subjects. Dissertations with no relevance to understanding human violence and aggression will not be supported. Priority will also be given to areas and methodologies not receiving adequate attention and support from other funding sources. بیشتر بخوانید

فرصت مطالعاتی ده ماهه با پرداخت حقوق

تاریخ انتشار: ۰۷-۰۸-۱۳۹۳
تاریخ اعـتـبار: ۰۵-۱۰-۱۳۹۳

The Berlin-based Forum Transregionale Studien is a research organization that promotes the internationalization of research in the humanities and social sciences.  It is dedicated to a research agenda that systematically links disciplinary approaches and the expertise of area studies by focusing on entanglements and interactions across national, cultural or regional borders.

The Forum provides scope for collaboration among researchers with different regional and disciplinary perspectives and appoints researchers from all over the world as Fellows.

In cooperation with universities and research institutions in and outside of Berlin, it carries out research projects that examine other regions of the world and their relationship to Germany and Europe systematically and with new questions.

The Forum Transregionale Studien was founded in the fall of 2009 in the form of an association (articles of association) with its seat in Berlin. In its work the Forum follows the recommendations of the German Council of Science and Humanities (Wissenschaftsrat) and the Berliner Wissenschaftskommission (Berlin Commission of Science and Humanities) for establishing a forum for transregional studies (both 2006) as well as the internationalization strategy of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung/BMBF) (2008). بیشتر بخوانید

فرصت مطالعاتی در آلمان به همراه تامین هزینه های اقامت

محل برگزاری: آلمان
تاریخ اعـتـبار: ۰۴-۰۴-۱۳۹۳
موضوع: ریشه شناسی و تحولات معنایی کلمات

Zukunftsphilologie: Revisiting the Canons of Textual Scholarship

Zukunftsphilologie is a Berlin-based research program, which supports research in marginalized and undocumented textual practices and literary cultures with the aim of integrating texts and scholarly traditions from Asia, Africa, and the Middle East as well as from Europe itself. The program takes as its point of departure the increasingly growing concern with the global significance of philology and the potential of philology to challenge exclusivist notions of the self and the canon. The program encourages research in the following areas: the genealogy and transformations of philological practice, philology’s place in the system of knowledge (e.g. its relation to science, theology, and jurisprudence), philology and the university, and philology and empire. For a detailed description of the program and its past and current activities, please visit www.zukunftsphilologie.de.

Individual research projects should fall within the intellectual framework of Zukunftsphilologie. Projects should have a comparative perspective, whereby the plurality of textual practices, polyphonic textuality, and the trajectories and genealogies of philological traditions are explored. Research projects focusing on intellectual debates, polemics, correspondences, and transregional encounters are especially welcome. In revisiting important philological debates, the goal is not to merely evaluate the argumentative worth of these debates, but rather to reflect on the wider cultural and political context in which these debates emerged and how they have shaped our knowledge of the past. Moreover, an examination of philological debates will shed light on marginal philological traditions and undocumented intellectual positions as well as the ways in which canonical positions were consolidated and normalized.

Successful applicants will be fellows of the Dahlem Humanities Center at Freie Universität Berlin and the program Zukunftsphilologie at the Forum Transregionale Studien, and associate members of the Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School for Literary Studies. Through this association they will have access to an academic milieu of transregional, literary and philological studies as well as to libraries and other research facilities.

For further information, please take a look at the call here.

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