کارگاه بررسی نسخه های خطی: شیمی در فرهنگ اسلامی

تاریخ اعتبار: ۱۳۹۶/۰۵/۱۱
محل برگزاری: فرانکفورت


Alchemy was a widespread practice in the Islamicate world that was taught from early on to the 19th/20th century. In spite of its popularity attested to by historical references as well as the wealth of alchemical manuscripts that have come down to us, the study of Arabo-Islamic alchemy has been neglected for the last decades. Only recently have we seen a renewed interest in the field, giving rise to a number of publications.

Among its extensive collection of Oriental manuscripts, Gotha Research Library also houses a significant number of alchemical manuscripts (for the Gotha alchemical manuscripts in Arabic see Siggel, Katalog der arabischen alchemistischen Handschriften Deutschlands, vol. 2, Berlin 1950). The workshop aims at bringing together established and younger scholars working on alchemy and providing them with the opportunity to engage directly with the alchemical manuscripts of the Gotha collection. The exploratory character of the workshop refers not only to the direct engagement with the Gotha collection, but also extends to the field of Arabo-Islamic alchemy more generally. Possible questions to be discussed are: Which aspects of alchemy have received significant attention, what aspects deserve to be addressed more in the future? Which theoretical assumptions and methods have guided the research on alchemy, what theories and methods are relevant for future research? What are the current challenges in studying the alchemy of the Islamicate world and how could they be overcome?

We invite papers from a variety of disciplines (for ex. philology, philosophy, history of science, history of religion, art history, paleography), on all aspects of alchemy, for example on

the transmission of alchemical knowledge in different parts of the Islamicate world as well as between the Islamicate world and other regions
the role of manuscripts for the transmission of alchemical knowledge
codicological aspects of alchemical manuscripts
questions of authorship and dating
literary aspects of alchemical texts

To allow for a significant number of hands-on-sessions, preference will be given to papers dealing with Gotha manuscripts.

Please send a 400-word abstract to monika.hasenmueller@uni-erfurt.de not later than August 31, 2017.

The selected participants will be notified by October 30, 2017.

Costs for travel and accommodation will be covered, provided that external funding is granted.

The workshop is organized by the Gotha Research Library in collaboration with the project “Between Religion and Alchemy. The scholar Ibn Arfaʿ Raʾs (d. 1197) as a model for an integrative Arabic literary and cultural history”, University of Zurich.

هزار سال مکتب شیعه

تاریخ اعتبار: ۱۳۹۶/۰۷/۱۴
محل برگزاری: برلین

The Thousand Year School of Shīa: Kūfa, Ḥilla, Najaf, Al-Aḥsā, Baḥrain, Jabal āmil , Aleppo, Esfahan and Qum

“Shīa studies” nowadays is in the focus of interdisciplinary studies of many academic centers, research institutes and scholars. For this reason, and considering the importance of the exchange of ideas and approaches in Shi’a Studies, the Iran-House in Germany is calling for a two-day seminar on Shia studies entitled “The Thousand Year School of Shīa: Kūfa, Ḥilla, Najaf, Al-Aḥsā, Baḥrain, Jabal āmil , Aleppo, Esfahan and Qum.” With the aim of fostering the exchange between researchers and experts, the organizer would like to present the latest discussions and research outcomes on the following topics by experts:
۱. Historical Shia studies: •  From Shaykh Tūsī to Allāma ḥillī •  From Allāma ḥillī to Ākhund Khurāsānī (Author of Al-Kifaya  From Ākhund Khurāsānī up to date.
۲. Development of Shī’ite jurisprudence (Fiqh) by the founding of the Uṣūlī School by Allāma Waḥīd Bihbihānī in Karbala.
۳. The Science of Uṣūl of the Shiites
۴. Ethics (اخلاق) in the thinking and the spiritual attitude of the Shia
۵. The Shi’ite Seminaries (حوزه) and their teaching methods; Developments and diversities.
۶. Shi’ite Quran interpretation
۷. Permanent legacy of the Shia (manuscripts and their reach)
۸. Societal and political developments of Shia from the Tobacco boycott (Mīrzā Shīrāzī and Seyed Jamāl al-Dīn) to this day.
The conference will take place from October 6 – 8, 2017 in Berlin, after that you would have the opportunity to visit Frankfurt Book Fair. The conference languages are English, Arabic, and Persian.

دوره یک ساله کارشناسی ارشد مطالعات اسلامی به زبان انگلیسی از طریق وب

تاریخ اعتبار: ۱۳۹۶/۰۳/۱۱


MA Intellectual Encounters of the Islamicate World

The aim of the MA Intellectual Encounters of the Islamicate World is to provide international graduate students with a thorough understanding of the deep and diverse links between the Muslim, Jewish and Christian intellectual contributions during the medieval period. The program is characterised by a strongly research-driven, interdisciplinary and interreligious approach with an emphasis on primary texts in original language (Arabic). Students will be trained and mentored by internationally renowned guest lecturers who are counted among the leading experts in their respective fields of research.
The primarily web-based MA program also includes three face-to-face sessions in Cordoba (prov.) and Berlin per academic year during which the students and teachers will actually come together for discussion, teaching and examination. Freie Universität Berlin offers this one-year, full-time MA program of 60 ECTS to an expected number of 20 students, many of whom are from the region of the Middle East. The language of instruction is English.

Applications are now open! The application period for the academic year 2017/18 is from 15 April until 31 May 2017.

For more information: www.ihiw.de/master
For direct enquiries: ieiw@geschkult.fu-berlin.de

شش فرصت مطالعاتی ۹ ماهه در موسسه مطالعات پیشرفته برلین

محل برگزاری: آلمان
تاریخ اعتبار: ۱۳۹۶/۰۲/۲۶


شش فرصت مطالعاتی ۹ ماهه در موسسه مطالعات پیشرفته برلین
این دوره از اول اکتبر ۲۰۱۷ آغاز می شود و تا پایان جولای ۲۰۱۸ ادامه دارد. محققانی که در این دوره پذیرفته شوند ماهانه شهریه  ۲۵۰۰ یورو دریافت می کنند. متقاضیان باید از فارغ التحصیلان دکتری رشته های فلسفه، زبان شناسی، تاریخ، مطالعات اسلامی و موارد دیگر باشند و از دفاع آنها بیش از هفت سال نگذشته باشد. بعلاوه طرح تحقیق متقاضیان باید با برنامه های اعلام شده این موسسه مرتبط باشد. برای اطلاع بیشتر بخش های زیر را ببینید:


(Location: Berlin / Closing Date: May 15, 2017)

The Berlin-based Forum Transregionale Studien and the Irmgard Coninx Foundation invite scholars to apply for up to six postdoctoral fellowships for the academic year 2017/18 for the research program


EUME seeks to rethink key concepts and premises that link and divide Europe and the Middle East. The program draws on the international expertise of scholars in and outside of Germany and is embedded in university and extra-university research institutions in Berlin. It supports historical-critical philology, rigorous engagement with the literatures of the Middle East and their histories, the social history of cities and the study of Middle Eastern political and philosophical thought as central fields of research not only for area or cultural studies, but also for European intellectual history and other academic disciplines. The program explores modernity as a historical space and conceptual frame.

The program puts forward three programmatic ideas:
۱) supporting research that demonstrates the rich and complex historical legacies and entanglements between Europe and the Middle East; 2) re-examining genealogical notions of mythical ‘beginnings’, ‘origins’, and ‘purity’ in relation to culture and society; and 3) rethinking key concepts of a shared modernity in light of contemporary cultural, social, and political entanglements that supersede identity discourses as well as national, cultural or regional canons and epistemologies that were established in the nineteenth century.

EUME supports and builds upon the following interconnected research fields:

is directed by Ulrike Freitag and Nora Lafi, both of the Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin. It contributes to the debate on…… بیشتر بخوانید

کارگاه دو هفته ای بین رشته ای در باره رابطه ادعای مالکیت در مسائل حقوقی و فرهنگی

محل برگزاری: آلمان
تاریخ اعتبار: ۱۲-۰۲-۱۳۹۶


The seventh International Osnabrueck Summer Institute on the Cultural Study of the Law will be held from August 6 to 13, 2017 at the University of Osnabrueck, Germany. It aims to encourage and further promote the interdisciplinary study and research of the interrelations between law and culture, based on the idea that the extended cultural study of the law will foster profitable scholarly exchange and dialogue between legal studies and the humanities.

The Institute will offer a combination of thematic workshop sessions, small group seminars and a final symposium for 15-20 international participants (doctoral, post-doctoral and advanced M.A. – see below for eligibility). The introductory workshop will address the range and potential of interdisciplinary studies and approaches in the field of law and the humanities. The remaining thematic sessions and small group seminars will focus on key issues and debates in current cultural legal studies, for example:

* The historical emergence of dominant (legal) concepts of property as well as current struggles about culture as heritage, property and resource for creativity (including concepts such as copyright, intellectual property and authorship)

* The cultural presence and representation of the law and the role of culture in the representation and dissemination of the concept of property (e.g. law and literature, life writing and human rights, visual culture and rights rhetoric)

The main objective of the OSI is to encourage scholarly exchange across disciplines and the critical debate of current research projects as well as work in progress. Participants will have the opportunity to present and discuss their own work both within the larger group and in individual sessions with members of the OSI faculty.

Confirmed faculty for the 2017 OSI include:

Marianne Constable (Rhetoric , UC Berkeley)

Danilo Mandic (Law, U of Westminster)

Cristina S. Martinez (Art History, U of Ottawa)

Sabine N. Meyer (American Studies, Osnabrück U)

Richard Perry (Law, UC Berkeley)

Beth Piatote (Native American Studies, UC Berkeley)

Leti Volpp (Law, UC Berkeley)

In addition, the OSI will feature a professional workshop presenting and discussing EU and GAES (German Academic Exchange Service) scholarship and grant opportunities for young international researchers.

Participant Eligibility

The Summer Institute invites doctoral….. بیشتر بخوانید

کنفرانس بررسی ایده ها و منابع خوارج‎

محل برگزاری: آلمان
تاریخ اعتبار: ۱۲-۰۱-۲۰۱۶

خوارج در فرهنگ مسلمانان لقب گروههای افراطی و خشونت طلب در صدر اسلام است. این کنفرانس به بررسی اندیشه های آنان و منابع موجود در بارۀ آنان می پردازد.


Reconsidering Kharijism – CfP for panel at DOT 2017 (Jena/Germany)

Teresa Bernheimer and I are planning to put together a panel on “Reconsidering Kharijism in Early Islamic History” for the Deutscher Orientalistentag conference, to take place in Jena/Germany on 18-22 September 2017 (http://www.dot2017.de/en/). We’re looking for participants who are interested in contributing papers that seek to re-examine the established depiction of early Kharijism as sectarian, heretic, and excessively violent. We’d be very grateful if you circulated this CfP among colleagues and especially (MA/PhD) students. The deadline for panel submissions is end of March, so we’d kindly ask you to get in touch as soon as possible at hannah-lena.hagemann@uni-hamburg.de and/or tb31@soas.ac.uk. The panel description is as follows:

“Scholarship on the early period of Islam has concentrated on the political history of the Arab conquests and the development of Sunnism and Shiism as the major branches of the emerging religion. The history and role of what is commonly considered the third major branch, the ‘Kharijites’ (Arabic: khawarij, ‘those who go out’), a blanket term to describe groups of early Muslim rebels who apparently were neither supporters of the Alids nor of proto-Sunnism, has been largely neglected. The main reason for this neglect has been the reliance of scholarship on the mainstream literary sources. While this material is rich and varied, and includes many different kinds of writings (historical chronicles, theological manuals, biographical and legal works, and the like), the extant material mostly dates to the ninth and tenth centuries CE at the earliest— about two to three hundred years after the events it describes. It has been shown to be full of inconsistencies on minor and major issues, reflecting the concerns and debates of a very different period and context.

Particularly problematic with regard to the Kharijites is that reliance on these sources favours the centralizing narratives of later Sunnis and Shiʿites. Few Kharijite works have survived to tell a different story, and thus the Kharijites are depicted as violent rebels and quintessential heretics: the first ‘sect’ of Islam. Modern scholarship has broadly accepted the perspective of the mainstream tradition. There have been shorter studies on Kharijite sub-groups as well as heightened interest in the Ibadiyya in recent years; however, a proper (re-)examination of early Kharijism is not available, with the most detailed introductions written over 100 years ago (Brünnow 1884, and Wellhausen 1901).

This panel aims to bring together new considerations concerning the history and historiography of early Kharijite movements. By broadening the source base and conceptual perspective, the papers call into question the hitherto almost unchallenged connection between ‘political’ and ‘religious’ Kharijism and examine the extent to which the various Kharijite movements may be seen as anything other than (at most) loosely connected groups of insurgents, thus shedding new light on the intriguing phenomenon of ‘Kharijism’ in early Islam.”

​کارشناسی ارشد در رشته فرهنگ و تمدن اسلامی دانشگاه آقاخان​

محل برگزاری: انگلستان
تاریخ اعتبار: ۱۰-۱۲-۱۳۹۵

The application deadline for the September 2017 intake is 28 February 2017. Candidates wishing to apply for the MA in Muslim Cultures must provide the following:

A completed application form;

A personal statement, describing their reasons for wishing to enrol in the programme;

An official copy of their undergraduate degree and attested copies of academic transcripts. (If a document is not in English a fully certified translation must be provided. The translation must include details of the translator and confirm that it is an accurate translation of the original. It must be dated and include the original signature of the translator);

Valid proof of English proficiency;

Two references, submitted either directly to the Registrar’s office or along with the application in a sealed envelope(s) with the referee’s signature across the seal. Referees must be familiar with your academic and/or professional work to date. At least one referee should be familiar with your academic work. If your referees would like to submit the reference letter via email, please download the reference form, fill in your details and request your referees to send it directly to Registrar’s office at ismc.registraroffice@aku.edu

All shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview.

Further Information
For further information regarding the MA in Muslim Cultures please contact the Registrar’s office:

Email: ismc.registraroffice@aku.edu
Phone: +44 (0)20 7380 3860
Fax: +44 (0)20 7380 3830

دوره کارشناسی ارشد یک ساله مطالعات دینی و بین رشته ای

محل برگزاری: برلین
تاریخ اعتبار: ۱۱-۰۳-۱۳۹۶

MA Intellectual Encounters of the Islamicate World

The aim of the MA Intellectual Encounters of the Islamicate World is to provide international graduate students with a thorough understanding of the deep and diverse links between the Muslim, Jewish and Christian intellectual contributions during the medieval period. The program is characterised by a strongly research-driven, interdisciplinary and interreligious approach with an emphasis on primary texts in original language (Arabic). Students will be trained and mentored by internationally renowned guest lecturers who are counted among the leading experts in their respective fields of research.
The primarily web-based MA program also includes three face-to-face sessions in Cordoba (prov.) and Berlin per academic year during which the students and teachers will actually come together for discussion, teaching and examination. Freie Universität Berlin offers this one-year, full-time MA program of 60 ECTS to an expected number of 20 students, many of whom are from the region of the Middle East. The language of instruction is English.

Application period for the academic year 2017/18 is from 15 April until 31 May 2017.

For more information: www.ihiw.de/master
For direct enquiries: ieiw@geschkult.fu-berlin.de

طب سنتی در متون و بافت یهودی، مسیحی، اسلامی و سنت های ایرانی

محل برگزاری: برلین
تاریخ اعتبار: ۱۳-۱۱-۱۳۹۵

Society for Biblical Literature International Meeting/ European Association of Biblical Studies (ISBL/EABS), Berlin, 7-11 August 2017

Medicine in Bible and Talmud (EABS)

See more at: https://www.sbl-site.org/meetings/Congresses_CallForPaperDetails.aspx?MeetingId=30&VolunteerUnitId=720#sthash.ak1PmwrG.dpuf

Program Unit Type: Section

Final Submission Date for Proposals: 1 February 2017 !!!

Call For Papers: (For the complete text of the 2017 CfP, see https://eabs.net/site/medicine-in-bible-and-talmud/.)

Papers are invited on the comparative theme “Literary and discursive framing and concepts of (medical) knowledge in (Late) Antiquity”, from biblical and apocryphal texts, into later Jewish, Rabbinic-Talmudic traditions and beyond. The organizers explicitly welcome papers by scholars working on these questions as in neighboring or adjacent traditions (ancient Babylonia or Egypt; Graeco-Roman culture(s); Iranian traditions, early Christianity; Syriac traditions; early Islam etc.). Recent studies into ancient scientific traditions have emphasized the craft and artifice of those texts. On the one hand, these works can be characterized by a rather astonishing degree of literary expertise, discursive versatility and rhetorical sophistication. Ancient scientific authors were well versed not only in their very field of expertise but deployed compositional techniques from their respective cultural milieu. On the other hand, one notices also the complex framing of scientific knowledge in texts whose primary focus was religious, poetic, historiographic, or literary. Based on this, we welcome presentations on the representation and embedding of medical (and other) knowledge in particular texts and contexts. Papers may address the special design of such knowledge discourses. How does the use of rhetoric strategies, literary structures, or genres in `scientific texts’ affect the ideas conveyed? Could a specific hermeneutic (Listenwissenschaft/ encyclopaedism/ linguocentrism) not only serve as a ‘container’ but also as a method for knowledge acquisition? One might ask further: who constructs this discourse for whom, and with which (implicit/explicit) intention? How can the adoption of certain textual strategies and compositional techniques be seen as a vital venue for (structural/discursive) knowledge transfer, rather than the actual content of the passage?

کنفرانس بین المللی مطالعات شیعی: جایگاه هنر

محل برگزاری: پرینستون
تاریخ اعتبار: ۱۱-۱۲-۱۳۹۵

Call for Papers: “Shii Studies: The State of the Art”, International Conference held at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton NJ December 7-9, 2017
by James Weaver

The undersigned are pleased to invite paper proposals for a conference on “Shii Studies: The State of the Art.” The conference is part of a larger endeavor aimed at fostering the scholarly exploration of all aspects of Shiism: the “Shii Studies Research Program”, funded by the Carnegie Foundation. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to, the history of the study of Shiism (proto- and early Shiism; Zaydism; Twelver Shia; Isma’iliyya); the history and / or current status of Shii manuscript repositories; future perspectives for research on Shiism; trends, past and present, in scholarship on Shiism; the status of Shii Studies in academic curricula. The conference will be held at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, December 7-9, 2017. The deadline for the submission of paper proposals is March 1, 2017. Successful applicants will be notified by April 1, 2017. Their travel expenses (economy) as well as accommodation and board will be covered through the “Shii Studies Reseach Program”.

Selected papers will be published in a special issue of the peer-reviewed Shii Studies Review (Brill, Leiden), vol. 3, devoted to the topic “Shii Studies: The State of the Art”.

Hassan Ansari (afarhang1349@ias.edu)
Sabine Schmidtke (scs@ias.edu)

این جا یک سایت کتاب فروشی نیست.

هدف اول و غیر انتفاعی ما معرفی بهترین ها در میان انبوه آثار است.
در عین حال امکان خرید هم دارید.

تمام حقوق برای وب سايت آثار برتر محفوظ است. © 1387 - ۱۴۰۳
پياده سازی قالب توسط شرکت پرتونگار