De Gruyter Brill Press

On March 1 2024, Brill and De Gruyter finalized the process to become De Gruyter Brill. The merger of De Gruyter and Brill marks an exciting new chapter in the long history of our two publishing houses: Together, we will become one of the leading publishers in the humanities and beyond.

Since our two publishing houses were founded in 1683 and 1749, respectively, we have been committed to serving scholars from all disciplines by publishing books and journals of the highest quality. As De Gruyter Brill, we are now carrying this heritage into the future: advancing and disseminating scholarship, driven by the conviction that all research is vital in addressing the pressing challenges of our times. The combination will be perfectly positioned to offer the best possible services and infrastructure to our authors and the academic community. The enlarged scale will accelerate our transition to open access and increase our ability to deliver cutting-edge technology, such as a state-of-the-art content platform.

Next steps
We will be headquartered in de Gruyter’s current offices in Berlin, Germany, and Leiden will be the second largest office. De Gruyter Brill will be a medium-sized, family-owned, independent publishing house with one long-term goal: To advance scholarly research by supporting academic authors. We will maintain De Gruyter and Brill as individual publishing brands with their respective imprints and publishing programs. We will remain steadfast partners to the scholarly community and sustain our close and personal relationships with authors, librarians, and academic institutions.  We intend to maintain the size, breadth, and depth of the publishing programs and to offer our authors as many opportunities to publish under our imprints, within our series, and in as many subject areas as before.

What does this mean for the authors?
At this moment, this does not change anything in our service to authors. Your contacts at both publishing houses remain the same. Existing author contracts and agreements including publication timelines will not be affected by the process. For the time being, titles will continue to be published under the brands De Gruyter, Brill, or their respective imprints.  We will now start working on the integration of our operational processes. Of course, we will keep you informed during this process and will notify you in advance of any changes that may impact you.

For more information, visit our new website at

International Conference: ‘A Boundless Ocean: Rumi’s Thought and Reception’

Location: Sweelinckzaal (room 0.05), Drift 21, Utrecht University

The year 2023 marks the 750th anniversary of Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī’s death (1207-1273), one of the mostly read authors in the Islamic world, and a best-selling poet in the United States, praised for his aesthetics, his wisdom, practical advice, and passionate love. Why is Rūmī so appealing to people of different ethnic and religious backgrounds? What is his timeless message that attracts both Muslims and non-Muslims alike? Is his modern appreciation merely to do with his non-conformist and transgressive ideas? How are his transgressive ideas used as a counter to the violent ideas of Islamist ideology, emphasizing a different Islam? Rūmī composed an impressive amount of works, his poetry consists of about 120.000 lines. His magnum opus, the Spiritual Poem (Masnavī-yi ma‘navī) is called the Koran in the Persian language as he comments on the Koran in an attractive fashion, adorning his message with metaphors and illustrative anecdotes. His opening lines about the complaint of a reed cut from the reedbed is a metaphor for the separated human soul, longing to return to the original home.

This conference brings together scholars who have worked or are working on various aspects of Rūmī as a mystic, a religious scholar, and a poet. We would like to invite scholars who are working on Rūmī to present a paper on any aspects of this medieval sage who has become a source of inspiration for many people around the world today. The conference is organized to encourage discussion on understudied aspects of Rūmī’s poetry, personality, legacy and his reception history. His oeuvre is unmatched. In Professor William’s words, “It is perhaps the single most influential piece of mystical writing ever conceived.” Therefore, we would like to analyse new aspects of Rūmī’s mystical philosophy.

To see the full programme click here.

You can attend the conference both on location and by livestream. In both cases registration is needed by sending an email to

Kitāb al-Ṭabaqāt al-Kabīr

The Kitāb al-Ṭabaqāt al-Kabīr (Biography of Muḥammad, His Companions and the Successors up to the Year 230 of the Hijra) by Ibn Saʿd (d. 230 A.H./845 C.E.) is the earliest extant biographical dictionary on the life of the Prophet and the early generations of Muslims. It is one of the most important historical works about the first centuries of Muslim society in Arabic. This classic Brill edition was supervised by Eduard Sachau and was originally titled Biographien Muhammeds, seiner Gefährten und der späteren Träger des Islams bis zum Jahre 230 der Flucht.

This edition was originally published by Brill between 1904 and 1940. The print version was republished in 16 paperback volumes in January 2022.

This is the online classical Arabic text edition of the Kitāb al-Ṭabaqāt al-Kabīr (Biography of Muḥammad, His Companions and the Successors up to the Year 230 of the Hijra) by Ibn Saʿd (d. 230 A.H./845 C.E.). The print version has been published between 1904 and 1940 by Brill, and a paperback reprint version was published in January 2022. This online version is published as a full text searchable product on the Scholarly Editions platform.

Hadith Commentary Continuity and Change

Explores key texts and critical themes of hadith commentary

  • Represents a milestone for the field: the first-ever edited volume on the important subject of hadith commentary
  • Presents diverse case studies of hadith commentaries across time, place and sect
  • Delivers new insights into themes of Islam and politics, Islamic mysticism, Islamic law, Islamic philosophy and the digital humanities
  • Offers cross-disciplinary models of cutting-edge methods in textual studies from a group of international scholars

Hadith commentary has been a central site of Islamic intellectual life for more than a millennium, across diverse periods, regions and sects. This is the first volume of scholarly essays ever collected on the key texts and critical themes of hadith commentary. The book unfolds chronologically from the early centuries of Islam to the modern period, and readers will discover continuities and changes as a group of international experts offer illuminating studies of Sunnis, Shi‘i and Sufis who interpret and debate the meaning of hadith that spans a wide terrain: Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, India, and further. The volume also models a variety of methodological approaches, including social history, intellectual history, the study of religion, and digital history. By highlighting both differences and commonalities as the practice of hadith commentary circulated across distant eras and lands, this volume sheds new light on the way Muslims have historically understood the meaning of Muhammad’s example.

Program in Islamic Law

We are pleased to announce the publication of the fourth issue  of the open-access, peer-reviewed Journal of Islamic Law, a special issue titled “The Dynamics of Islamic Law with the Rise of Modernity.”

We invite you to digitally explore the fourth issue which explores the interactions between Islamic law and other legal traditions during the modern period, particularly in the contexts of colonialism, imperialism, and centralized bureaucratic states from the eighteenth to early twentieth centuries. The three essays in the issue contribute to the ongoing scholarly debates that present contrasting views on the fate of sharīʿa during this period. Between the two sides of this debate, there is a space ripe for exploring the fitness and movement of Islamic law in the contested period between tradition and modernity.

This special issue includes an introduction by this Special Issue’s Editor and current PIL Research Fellow, Dilyara Agisheva (Harvard Law School), and essays by Brian Wright (McGill  University), Ninja Bumann (University of Vienna), and Rozaliya Garipova (Nazarbayev University), that illustrate the interaction of sharīʿa within the imperial and nascent nation-state legal systems with the coming of modernity. Together, the authors’ conclusions contribute to a new wave in the study of Islamic legal dynamism and resilience. Read these essays today!


Index Islamicus Online

Edited by: C.H. Bleaney, S. Sinclair, P. García Suárez and G. Schwarb

Index Islamicus Online is THE international classified bibliography of publications in European languages on all aspects of Islam and the Muslim world. Rightly described as ‘an indispensable tool for libraries, graduates and undergraduates alike’. The Index Islamicus Online provides the reader with an effective overview of what has been published on a given subject in the field of Islamic Studies in its broadest sense.

Subscriptions: see

Presently, Index Islamicus contains over 600,000 records, covering all the main Muslim areas of Asia and Africa, as well as Muslims living elsewhere, and their history, beliefs, societies, cultures, languages and literatures. It includes material published by Western scholars in the fields of Humanities and Social Sciences, specialist area- and subject-based areas, and by Muslims writing in European languages. Publications recorded are in the form of articles, books and online resources. All essays and papers contained in multi-author volumes are recorded, classified and indexed separately.


Over 5,000 journals are surveyed for inclusion in the database, together with conference proceedings, monographs, multi-authored works and online resources. Journals and books are indexed down to the article and chapter level. Newspapers, news magazines, and government or official “grey” literature are excluded.

An overview of the consulted periodicals: download PDF (600 KB)


The well-known Index Islamicus classification scheme, uniquely and carefully geared to the field of Islamic Studies, allows one to quickly find all literature headed under a particular, broader subject area (e.g., Education, Philosophy, Shi’ism, Sudan, Palestine, Israel, as well as their subcategories).

Extensive indexes

Those who prefer more specific queries, have in the print edition at their disposal two elaborate indexes, facilitating quick and effective searches: the subject index guides the user to material on specialised subjects not covered by the classification scheme (e.g. Al-Azhar, mawlids, railways), and also to items relevant to one subject but classified under another. The name index lists not only authors, but also editors, translators, reviewers and personal subjects. So researchers interested in, for instance, Ibn Khaldun or Muhammad Iqbal or the Ayatollah Khomeini can quickly find publications both by and about them. The online edition offers a full text and advanced search opportunities.

The editors of Index Islamicus may be contacted at ixis[at] Users are welcome to submit new or missing items to Index Islamicus by sending a file with complete bibliographic metadata in BibTeX, RIS, Zotero RDF, Mendeley or any other commonly used citation format to ixis[at] Inclusion of submissions is at the discretion of the editors.

The Editorial Offices are located in the Library, SOAS, University of London and the Instituto de Lenguas y Culturas del Mediterráneo y Oriente Próximo (CCHS, CSIC) in Madrid.

Sezgin Online II: The Frankfurt Volumes

A bio-bibliographical reference work about the Arabic literary tradition vols. 10-17

Sezgin Online II consists of volumes 10-17 of Fuat Sezgin’s renowned Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums (GAS), the largest and most modern bio-bibliography for the Arabic literary tradition in general, and the history of science and technology in the Islamic world in particular. These volumes were originally published in print in Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany.

Sezgin Online II offers bio-bibliographical information about renowned figures (writers, poets, philosophers, physicians, scientists, linguists etc.) from the Islamic world in the following subjects:
• geography and cartography (vols. 10, 11, 12, 13)
• anthropogeography (vols. 14, 15)
• literature (vols. 16, 17)

Sezgin Online and Sezgin Online II complement Brockelmann Online and Brockelmann in English and are both indispensable research tools for Middle Eastern and Islamic studies.

Corona Phenomenon: Philosophical and Political Questions

This book is the outcome of one of the most extensive international academic projects on the COVID-19 pandemic in the field of humanities and social sciences. It includes the reflections of scholars from 25 universities, in Europe, Asia, Canada, Australia, the US, and the UK, on 60 important philosophical and political questions. This paradigmatic volume is unique in the history of the humanities and social sciences in dealing with pandemics and should be considered as a starting point for more coherent and synergistic academic cooperation in preparation for similar future phenomena.

New Publication: Text and Interpretation: Imam Jaʿfar al-Ṣādiq

We are excited to announce the publication of the latest book in our Harvard Series in Islamic Law, Hossein Modarressi‘s Text and Interpretation: Imam Jaʿfar al-Ṣādiq and His Legacy in Islamic Law! This book examines the main characteristics of the legal thought of Imam Jaʿfar al-Ṣādiq, a preeminent religious scholar jurist of Medina in the first half of the second century of the Muslim calendar (mid-eighth century CE). Numerous works in different languages have appeared over the past half century to introduce this school of Islamic law and its history, legal theory, and substance in contexts of Shīʿī law.

While previous literature has focused on the current status of the school in its developed and expanded form, this book presents an intellectual history of how the school began. The Jaʿfarī school emerged within the general legal discourse of the late Umayyad and early Abbasid periods but was known to differ in certain approaches from the other main legal schools of this time. Namely, the Jaʿfarī school expanded the tools for legal interpretation generally and contracts specifically, to a degree unmatched by any of its counterparts in the Muslim legal tradition. In addition to sketching the origins of the school, the book examines Jaʿfar al-Ṣādiq’s interpretive approach through detailing his position on a number of specific questions, as well as the legal canons, presumptions, and other interpretive tools he adopted. See more information here.

Encyclopaedia of Islam Three Online

Subject: Middle East And Islamic Studies

Edited by Kate Fleet, Gudrun Krämer, Denis Matringe, John Nawas and Everett Rowson.

With Roger Allen, Edith Ambros, Thomas Bauer, Johann Büssow, Carl Davila, Ruth Davis, Ahmed El Shamsy, Maribel Fierro, Najam Haider, Konrad Hirschler, Nico Kaptein, Alexander Knysh, Corinne Lefèvre, Scott Levi, Roman Loimeier, Daniela Meneghini, Negin Nabavi, M’hamed Oualdi, D. Fairchild Ruggles, Ignacio Sánchez, and Ayman Shihadeh.

Help us improve our service

The Third Edition of the Encyclopaedia of Islam is an entirely new work, which sets out the present state of our knowledge of the Islamic World and reflects the great diversity of current scholarship. It is a unique and invaluable reference tool, an essential key to understanding the world of Islam, and the authoritative source not only for the religion, but also for the believers and the countries in which they live. The new scope includes comprehensive coverage of Islam in the twentieth century and of Muslim minorities all over the world. Subscriptions: see

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