Grammatik des Westmitteliranischen: (Parthisch und Mittelpersisch)

The Grammatik des Westmitteliranischen (Parthisch und Mittelpersisch) (grammar of the Western Middle Iranian language, Parthian and Middle Persian) represents the first attempt to plausibly and practically assess all aspects of both the Middle Persian and Parthian languages based on a concerted approach. An overview of the available material is followed by a description of the fonts utilized along with chapters on phonology, morphology and syntax. The use of a combined approach is particularly effective due to the approximately one thousand years of history shared by these neighboring and closely related languages. The presentation is comprehensible and the language in the documents clearly marked. An extensive chapter on syntax presents the documents in the form of a clear transcription, with the original documents (which have been transliterated) listed in a reference section and thoroughly indexed. This volume will be essential to researchers and students of Iranian linguistics, cultural and religious history, Manichaeologists and scholars of Central Asian and Indo-European Studies.

Al-Hasan ibn Musa al-Nawbakhti, Commentary on Aristotle “De generatione et corruptione”

Al-Hasan ibn Musa al-Nawbakhti, Commentary on Aristotle “De generatione et corruptione”

Edition, Translation and Commentary

This book contains a new edition and English translation of the oldest commentary on Aristotle written in Arabic and preserved to this day, together with an extensive commentary. It is a compendium on the treatise De generatione et corruptione, written by the Imamite theologian and heresiographer Hasan b. Mūsā al-Nawbakhtī (fl. ca. 900). To this day, apart from the title of more than forty works and numerous fragments-taken mainly from his magnum opus, the Book of the Doctrines and Religions (Kitāb al-ārā’ wa-al-diyānāt)-only a single treatise of his, the Book of Shî’î Sects (Kitâb firaq al-shî’a), was known to us. The text sheds new light in several ways: firstly, on the the Arabic philosophical tradition, since it was composed during the obscure period between al-Kindī and al-Fārābī (roughly, the 2nd half of the 9th c.); secondly, on the Greek tradition, since the author makes extensive use of Alexander’s lost commentary on De generatione; thirdly, on the formative period of shī’ism, since it helps us to reconstruct how the author borrowed from the Aristotelian tradition the tools necessary to build up a new anthropology compatible with the doctrine of the Occultation which he inaugurated at the time.

The Cosmic Script: Sacred Geometry and the Science of Arabic Penmanship

Winner of the World Award for the Book of the Year of the Islamic Republic of Iran 2016

This is the first comprehensive exploration of the ‘Proportioned Script’, an Arabic writing system attributed to the Abbasid wazir (minister) Ibn Muqla and the master scribe Ibn al-Bawwab that has dominated the art of Arabic and Islamic penmanship from the 10th century to the present day. A remarkable work of original scholarship that ranges across multiple disciplines – history, literature, philosophy, theology, sacred geometry and calligraphy, Drs Moustafa and Sperl have succeeded in unearthing the very foundations of Arabic penmanship, with implications for the arts of Islam as a whole.

Volume One, Sources and Principles of the Geometry of Letters, traces the origin of the Proportioned Script to the cross-cultural encounter between Greek learning and the scientific, artistic and philosophical pursuits of classical Islam. On the basis of instructions in surviving sources it identifies a grid module that serves as a common foundation for the design of all the Arabic letter shapes.
In Volume Two, From Geometric Pattern to Living Form, the authors construct each of the letter shapes on the grid module and compare their findings to samples traced by two classical master scribes. They conclude by examining the religious, aesthetic and cosmological significance of the Proportioned Script in the wider context of the Islamic cultural heritage.

The Noble Quran with a Russian Translation

The Press and translator exaggeratedly claim that previous translations, done either by the Oriental scholars or by Sunnis, had many mistakes and this translation is the first Shiite translation of the Holy Quran into Russian. It took about five years. Moreover, the robust tendency for re-translation of the Holy Quran was the fact that those translations were done by individuals who did not hold any religious education, while this translation was performed by a Russian who studied in Qom for 10 years.
During the translation and editing process, the translator was in continuous contact with leading academics in order to solve translation issues.

For researchers who work in the field of Quranic studies may be of interest to take a look at the translation and find the alleged differences. Surely, some minute differences will be found but these are not basic in comparison to those of translations done in accordance to the Sunnite exegeses. The price of this work is 69.00 Euro (including post cost). Please order us by email.

Raison Et Révélation En Islam: Les Voies De La Connaissance Dans Le Commentaire Coranique De Fahr Al-din Al-razi M. 606/1210

In Reason and Revelation in Islam, Ahmed Oulddali presents the psychological and epistemological ideas which underlie FaHr al-Din al-Razi’s speculative exegesis. Known as one of the few Muslim theologians to have proposed a philosophical interpretation of the Qur’an, Razi appears here as an innovative thinker, deeply convinced of the need to rely on rational methods to understand revelation.
His formal rejection of literalism and his multiple borrowings from Avicenna’s philosophy are explained as a consequence of a conception of knowledge in which reason plays a decisive role. Richly infused with illustrative texts and original translations from Arab sources, Oulddali’s book offers an overview of the philosophical, theological and exegetical issues to which the thinking of Razi responds.

Les Juifs dans le Coran

Le Coran est-il antisémite ? L’islam véhicule-t-il une « haine du Juif » qui le rend incompatible avec les valeurs occidentales ? Le regard de l’islamologue est indispensable pour dépassionner le débat et sortir des jugements à l’emporte-pièce. Sans rien masquer des aspects les plus problématiques, le grand savant Meïr M. Bar-Asher fait le point sur ce dossier brûlant. Il passe en revue l’image des « fils d’Israël » et des « Juifs » dans le Coran et le Hadîth, ainsi que les bases coraniques du statut de dhimmi. IL s’attarde également sur l’apport extraordinaire de la tradition juive à l’exégèse musulmane du Coran, ainsi que sur les parallèles entre les lois religieuses juive et musulmane, halakha et sharia. Il montre surtout que la question du rapport de la tradition islamique à la figure du Juif et au judaïsme est complexe, et qu’on ne saurait la ramener à la caricature qu’en donnent tant les prédicateurs islamistes que les islamophobes.
Un ouvrage accessible, essentiel pour comprendre les enjeux de société actuels.

Le Shaykhisme a La Periode Qajare: Histoire Sociale Et Doctrinale D Une Ecole Chiite

Cette monographie constitue la première histoire sociale et doctrinale du shaykhisme à l’époque qajare (1786-1925), qui à côté de l’osulisme, de l’akhbarisme et enfin du soufisme chiite, constitue depuis deux siècles l’un des principaux courants du chiisme duodécimain. L’auteur, qui a résidé longtemps en Iran pour y effectuer ses recherches, a plongé dans les sources originales du shaykhisme pour en étudier le rôle religieux, politique et social. L’ouvrage se propose de synthétiser les doctrines développées par l’École shaykhie, de faire comprendre l’histoire de ses origines et les modes de son implantation sur le territoire iranien, d’évaluer l’interaction quotidienne de ses membres avec la société environnante et d’analyser les prises de positions de ses maîtres sur les principaux bouleversements politico-religieux que connût la société qajare.

Travailler sur l’histoire sociale et doctrinale d’un groupe donné, c’est également appréhender une période à travers un témoignage nécessairement singulier. Ainsi, cet ouvrage est également une contribution à l’histoire de l’Iran durant la période qajare.

Denis HERMANN est chercheur au CNRS. Historien et spécialiste de l’Iran, il s’intéresse particulièrement à l’histoire intellectuelle et sociale du chiisme à l’époque qajare et au mouvement constitutionnel iranien de 1906-1911. Il est notamment l’auteur et l’éditeur des ouvrages suivants: Kirmānī Shaykhism and the ijtihād. A Study of Abū al-Qāsim Khān Ibrāhīmī’s Ijtihād wa taqlīd, Würzburg, Ergon Verlag, 2015; Shi‘i Trends and Dynamics in the Modern Times (XVIIIth-XXth centuries). Courants et dynamiques chiites à l’époque moderne (XVIIIe-XXe siècles), D. Hermann et S. Mervin (éd.), Beyrouth, OIB/IFRI, 2010; Muslim Cultures in the Indo-Iranian World during the Early-Modern and Modern Periods, D. Hermann et F. Speziale (éd.), Berlin, Klaus Schwarz Verlag/IFRI, 2010.

La chute de Mossadegh: Les dessous du coup d’Etat en Iran (1953)

La chute de Mossadegh: Les dessous du coup d’Etat en Iran (1953)

Cet essai met en lumière le renversement du Premier ministre Mohammad Mossadegh en 1953, perçu comme un danger pour les intérêts occidentaux en Iran suite à sa décision de nationaliser l’industrie pétrolière. D’abord désigné comme un “soulèvement populaire”, ce renversement s’est avéré être un coup d’Etat orchestré notamment par les services secrets britanniques et américains. Croisant les sources occidentales et iraniennes, l’ouvrage nous plonge dans la période de quatre jours entre le premier coup d’Etat raté et la seconde tentative réussie, et présente les acteurs et leurs rôles avant, pendant et après ces événements.

Ali Rahnema est professeur en Economie à l’Université américaine de Paris. Il s’intéresse à l’histoire moderne et contemporaine de l’Iran. Ses publications comprennent “Superstition as Ideology in Iranian Politics” (Cambridge, 2011) et “An Islamic Utopian : A Political Biography of Ali Shariati” (2014).

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