Journal of Palestinian Christianity

Articles can be written in either Arabic or English, and after a full peer review process will be translated into the other language by the editorial team. A conference will be organised to celebrate the published articles and to generate dialogue around them. Potential themes may include, but are not limited to:

– History and Heritage

– Ecumenical relations

– Christian-Muslim relations

– Christian-Jewish relations

– Identity and belonging

– Sacred space

– Worship and practice

– Biblical/textual engagement

– Palestinian contextual and liberation theology

– Migration and transnational relations

– Clergy-laity relations

– Political legacy and engagement

– Law

– Literature and the arts

– Popular culture

– Church history

– Arab Christianity in Palestine


Submission Details:

The call for papers is for two issues: a general issue and special issue.

General: Interested authors for the general issue are welcome to submit their articles or consult the editorial committee by sending an abstract to the following email Please include your name and any institutional and other affiliation with your proposed title, abstract and article. The editors will contact you and discuss further details on accepted proposals and articles. Any questions may be directed to the email above. Submissions can be made in English (5,000-7,000 words) or Arabic (3,500-5,500 words). Deadline for draft articles: 28th of February 2023. The journal’s style guide and other submission guidelines are available at

Special: The second issue will be a special issue on the history of Christian communities in and of Palestine and the relationship with Empire – be it Ottoman, British or others – between 1850 and 1948. How did Palestinian Christian individuals and communities interact with imperial institutions and forces? In what ways have they suffered from or benefitted by imperial dynamics in the region? And what have the implications of these relations been for internal interactions within Christian communities and institutions themselves? Submissions are welcome from all historical perspectives, including political history, historical anthropology, intellectual history or theological and social histories. Submissions can be made in English (5,000-7,000 words) or Arabic (3,500-5,500 words). Deadline for draft articles: 31st August 2023; initial enquiries are welcome to Dr. Sarah Irving at The journal’s style guide and other submission guidelines are available at

More information on the journal can be found at:–Journal-of-Palestinian-Christianity.html?soid=1123649319126&aid=Mj8Ws0YEOcQ

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