Some Proposed Emendations to the Text of the Koran

Author: James A. Bellamy
Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 113, No. 4 (Oct. – Dec., 1993)


Emendations to the Text of the Koran:
In this article, eleven difficult passages in the Koran which have defied the efforts of both Muslim commentators and orientalists to explain them are interpreted as corruptions resulting from faulty copying by scribes. Emendations of the text are proposed to bring it as close as possible to the form it had when first spoken by the prophet Muhammad. At the end, a few changes are made in the author’s old hypothesis that the Mysterious Letters at the head of some of the surahs are old abbreviations of the basmalah.

Bellamy, James A., “Some Proposed Emendations to the Text of the Koran”,  Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 113, No. 4 (Oct. – Dec., 1993), pp 562-573.

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